A Testimony On Tithing

The following was written by a member of St. Peter’s Cathedral. They wish to remain anonymous, but their testimony is powerful and should be an encouragement to all of us!

"For where your treasure is, there will be your heart also."
–Matthew 6:21

"Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with wine."
–Proverbs 3:9-10

Both of these verses resonate with me and continue to be truths in my life; where I place my treasure my heart is and as I continue to tithe, the Lord repays much greater than I could ever imagine. As I pledge to St. Peter’s, I am reminded that all my possessions are His. When times are financially tough, prioritizing my pledge above all else stretches my faith to remind me He has a plan for me, and I am His – two great truths and encouragements.

 My situation is unique, but I consider that I have two ‘home’ churches–St. Peter’s and a local Anglican church where I live. Both churches shape who I am. Both churches impact my life regularly; they encourage and strengthen what it means to live out my faith every day. Therefore, I am called to tithe and give back to both churches and of course, this looks a bit different at each church. While I prefer to physically place my tithe in the offering plate on Sunday morning at church, this isn’t always feasible for me at St. Peter’s. Despite some of my technological deficiencies, I take advantage of our online giving option to ensure I don’t ‘forget.’ Clay Tullos continually offers kind support in ensuring accuracy by helping me set up my recurring tithe online. With each email receipt confirming my tithe, I take a chance to offer a prayer of gratitude and to remember what it means to be a good steward of the gifts I am given.

 During this Stewardship Season, I encourage you to pray, reflect, and not only to ask but LISTEN. Listen to how God has gifted you. Listen to what our Savior has called us to do with our gifts. Listen to how you can give back to God what is doing through St. Peter’s. To Him be all the glory and all the honor!