Music Ministry at St. Peter’s
Worship through song is a tradition that has been passed down through church history, from the book of Psalms to the canticles of Miriam and Mary, to Christ’s hymn singing after the Last Supper. Gregorian chant, Renaissance polyphony, Classical and Romantic Masses, hymns, and dissonant 20th-century sacred vocal works all worship God, each using their own distinct musical characteristics. At St. Peter’s, we use all of these styles in worship. We particularly love the Anglican musical tradition, so we fill our worship services with hymns, chorally-chanted psalms, anthems, and organ music, as well as more contemporary music sung during communion.
The Anglican hymn tradition is musically accessible, poetically beautiful, and theologically rich. Hymns became popular during the Reformation, as they were written in vernacular language (not Latin) and in a singable and accessible style. In accordance with the Biblical tradition, we believe that singing can act as confession, lament, praise, thanksgiving, history, exhortation, prayer, and petition. The texts of the pieces we sing are often chosen for a particular purpose, according to the church calendar, the lectionary readings, or the sermon topic. We invite you to spend time considering the words of the hymns as you sing them loudly, making “a joyful noise to the Lord” (Psalms 98, 100).
Psalms are often chanted by the choir out of respect for the long tradition of chanted psalms in the church. The congregation sings a repeating musical phrase called an “antiphon” to participate in the reading and to allow “the Word of Christ [to] dwell in you richly” (Colossians 3:16).
Anthems (any piece sung by the choir in worship) are sung at the Offertory, meaning that although the congregation may not be able to join the choir in singing, everyone is invited to appreciate the beauty of the music so that together, we offer a humble noise in praise to God.
Organ preludes, postludes, and offertories are intended to accompany times of contemplation and prayer.
Music at Communion is more contemporary in style, to facilitate the congregation’s participation in singing. This should be a time of preparing your heart to receive the Body and Blood of Christ and then responding with thankfulness.
Adult Choir
This choir is the primary music leadership ensemble at St. Peter’s, singing at the morning services every week from September to June. This is a fabulous group of people who are dedicated to leading worship, caring for each other, and creating beautiful music together. We welcome all voices at all levels!
Chorister and Youth Choir
This choir is open to all students from Kindergarten to 12th Grade. The choir is broken up into several different groups and rehearses on Wednesday afternoons. These choirs lead Choral Evensong worship on the fifth Sunday of the month. Every year, they also perform a Chorister Christmas during Advent to prepare your heart and mind for the season.
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