Weekly Services

While each service has its unique elements and feel, all worship services at St. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral use the liturgy of the Anglican Book of Common prayer as the framework of worship. This ancient form grounds us in the traditions of the church and ensures that our worship is always
God-centered at its core.

SUNDAY Worship

9:00am* | Holy Communion in Contemporary Language
This is the largest Sunday service at St. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral. It precedes children’s Sunday School, junior high and high school classes, Cathedral Conversations for interested parishioners, and Sunday Adult Discipleship offerings. The service is in grand cathedral style, with sermon, and with classic hymns, songs of praise and great anthems drawn from the Anglican and Christian tradition. All children are welcome to participate in worship, but quality childcare is available from infancy through kindergarten for those who choose to use it.

11:15am* | Holy Communion in Traditional Language
This is the most formal of the Cathedral’s principal Sunday offerings. On occasion, a complete traditional mass setting is employed. A sermon is preached. Anthems from the Anglican and Christian patrimony are offered. As a symbol of our prayers ascending, incense is used throughout. All children are welcome to participate in worship, but quality childcare is available from infancy through kindergarten for those who choose to use it.

5:00pm |Holy Communion in Contemporary Language
This service closes our Sunday round of worship. Generally, it is much less formal than the morning offerings. The Word is preached and an instrumental ensemble supports music from both traditional and contemporary sources. This is a great service to attend after a weekend away.



Reformation Anglicanism envisioned worship, prayer, and Bible reading seven days a week - not just on Sundays. Daily Morning and Evening Prayer are, therefore, part of the witness of any Anglican Cathedral, as a model for the homelife of households and families. The Book of Common Prayer (2019) offers patterns for daily prayer and daily Bible reading that can shape lives from the youngest children to the most senior among us.

9:00am, Monday–Friday | Morning Prayer
Held in the collegiate chapel setting before the High Altar in the Cathedral’s East End, the whole of Scripture is read day-by-day through the year. This half-hour service allows for confession, praise, thanksgiving, intercession, and connection with others.

4:30pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday | Evening Prayer
Like Morning Prayer, only for the close of the working day, this service derives from the historic Benedictine office of vespers, and celebrates the setting of the sun, enabling the whole of Scripture to be read through the year.


12:10pm | Holy Communion & Prayers of Healing
This is a simple Prayer Book Communion Service with homily. Laying-on-of hands and anointing are offered at the conclusion of the service for those seeking healing of body, mind or spirit.

7:30pm | Choral Compline
Throughout the year during the Cathedral’s teaching terms, a small choir offers the short, candle-lit night-time monastic office of Compline. Parishioners attend classes beforehand.



Dates and Times as Announced

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Special Liturgies and Concerts

These events are announced well in advance and are an opportunity for large audiences gathered from the Tallahassee community.


Upcoming Special Liturgies and Concerts

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