Adult Ministry at St. Peter’s
Welcome to Adult Ministry at St. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral! Becoming a mature disciple of Jesus Christ is a lifelong process. Unfortunately, it can also be a confusing and frustrating process. Many of us will find ourselves asking questions like these: How do I know when I am making progress? What are the next steps to take? How can I find guidance? We believe that being connected to a Christian community through ministry, small groups, and formation is a way to find those answers.
Introducing the Parish Rule of Life
Men's & Women’s Ministry
From Bible study to fellowship, the men and women of St. Peter’s have many opportunities to get to know, love, and encourage each other, while growing in our Christian faith. You can participate in events such as a monthly Men’s Breakfast or join a group like Mary & Martha. There is something for all ages!
Small Groups
While there are opportunities to engage in personal discipleship throughout the life of St. Peter’s, small groups provide a close-knit context for us to grow in the “3 C’s of discipleship”: Living life in Communion with God through prayer and Scripture, sharing life in Community with other Christians, responding to Christ’s Commission to make disciples in the world.
Food, Faith, Fellowship, & Fun
F4 is what we call our Wednesday night program! The whole parish is invited to gather on Wednesday evenings during the class semester for food, fellowship, fun and formation during the class semester. We begin the evening with Evening Prayer and end with Choral Compline.