Written by Steve Gordon
Man-to-Man is a new and unique ministry at St. Peter’s, specifically for the men of the Cathedral (sorry, ladies…but read on…this may be perfect for your husband or adult sons).
What is it?
We meet on a 1-on-1, confidential, relational discipleship format, and I believe it closes an important gap for us. We know we have a world-class disciple education program delivered through Adult Sunday School, Wednesday night classes, the Lay School of Theology, and more. We also have a rapidly growing small group discipleship effort, where you can meet with and be encouraged in your faith journey by a group of 5 to 10 friends as you explore God’s Word together.
What’s missing is formal and intentional 1-on-1 discipleship.
Over the last year before he died, Fred Thomson led a group of seven men through a 9-month discipleship experience to prepare them to disciple other men 1-on-1. The group includes Larry Gonzalez, Chuck Lang, Dr. Cal Melton, David Mica, Dick Stewart, Eric Stockstill, and me.
It was Fred’s vision and one that I share that, in time, we create a “culture of discipleship”...and a practice of discipling one another at St. Peter’s in all three forms–classroom instruction, small groups, and 1-on-1.
Why is it important?
Jesus used all three forms of discipleship during his work on earth. He taught crowds. He worked in a small group of 12. He also taught, encouraged, and challenged his disciples through 1-on-1 interactions. It is in our 1-on-1 interactions that we are able to develop deep trust relationships. To lift one another up when needed, to explore deep and important questions together, and to confront our challenges.
What’s the Impact?
Having experienced it, I can tell you the impact on you will be profound–profoundly good. Those around you will take note. More importantly, you will become a stronger light of Christ’s presence in a world that desperately needs it.
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by
testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Romans 12: 2
Who is it for?
Ahh…here’s the rub. We’re a stubborn and stiff-necked lot. We don’t like asking for directions, and we’d rather not admit we “need” help. We’ve got this, right, gentlemen? This opportunity will not be for everyone. It is only for the humble men who seek Christ, the curious men who wish to know Him personally, and the courageous men who are willing to open themselves to Him. To discover if 1-on-1 discipleship is right for you, first ask God. Then, call or email Eric Stockstill (850-694-2021 & eric@talcor.com), or me, Steve Gordon (850-524-5845 & me@stevegordon.io). We’ll have a “no commitment” exploratory conversation.