Make a Donation
Every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord. Giving is the natural, thankful response of offering back to God a portion of what He has provided for us.
Make a donation to the Operating Budget
Worship is at the very heart of the life of the Church. God has poured out His love and mercy towards us in the face of His son, Jesus, and invites us to live in a relationship with Him: a relationship where we respond to God’s love with wonder, praise, and thanksgiving. Making a donation to the general Operating Budget means we can fund all the ministries and functions within the budget year to keep worship and our community strong!
Make a donation to the Building Fund
The Cathedral and the surrounding grounds are vehicles for ministry where worship, fellowship, teaching, and outreach take place. Our mission is to provide a clean, safe, functional, and beautiful space for people to be trained up as disciples of Christ. We have great plans to further expand our space so that we can continue to host a number of diocesan gatherings, community events, groups meetings, and additional formation opportunities for all ages as our space allows.
Make a donation of your choice
In addition to your Operating Budget pledge, you can also choose to make a donation to a restricted fund such as Memorial Gifts, Foreign Missions, Uganda Orphans, Stained Glass, and others. Click on the donation button above and choose a fund from the dropdown menu you would like to donate to.
In the event contributions by donors exceed the cost of the project or purpose of the program, in the best interest of the Church, a decision may be made to remove the designation and transfer the balance of the Restricted/Designated Funds to the Operating Account. If contributions are given for a stated purpose, and there is a budgeted program for the same purpose, then the restricted contributions will be used to offset the actual expense of the program.