By Patty Lang, International Missions Core Captain
During the month of February, we focus on our International Missions Core. We have relationships with several organizations and hope to add more groups in the future. We are currently actively working with The South Rwenzori Diocese in Uganda, Shade Ministries for Albinism in Tanzania, Abara Border Ministries, and Bishop Darrel Critch in Madagascar.
One of the strongest international programs we have is our Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC) sponsorship program in the South Rwenzori Diocese. St. Peter’s parishioners are currently sponsoring 117 students in Uganda. The $200/year sponsorship allows a student to attend a Christian school and provides that materials that they need to be successful. Three times a year Rev. Peter Kamalha (OVC administrator in Uganda) and other staff members meet with the students and their parents and guardians to see how the students are doing in school, provide spiritual teaching, and emphasize the importance of attending school to both the students and guardians. Since starting these regular meetings, the schools are reporting an increase in attendance by the sponsored students.
During our visit to Uganda in 2023 St. Peter’s and South Rwenzori jointly came up with a plan to improve the program with the goal that all sponsored students will be in one of the two schools on the Cathedral property in Kasese within five years. Previously the students were in 52 different schools across the diocese and it was very difficult to have regular contact with them. No children have been dropped from the program but as one graduates new students are added to the program at local schools. Several students have been transferred to the schools as well. To get all the remaining students into the local schools Bishop Nason began construction of two hostels that will each house 300 students on the cathedral grounds. This will provide a safe place to stay for the children who live far away or walk long distances to get to school. The cost is $200,000 to build the two dorms and to date St. Peters OVC sponsors and parishioners have donated $16,000 to help.
We have a few of our current sponsored students who need new sponsors and there is a need for more students to be sponsored. We are working hard to get letters back and forth to Uganda a couple of times a year, so sponsors can communicate with their student and learn a little more about them. If you are interested in sponsoring a student, donating towards the program or the hostel construction please let me know
St. Peter’s is sending a small team to Uganda in March and one of the objectives is learning more about our sponsored students and improving the program. The team will be participating in a conference with students as well as meeting with as many as we can. Be on the lookout for ways that you can help support the team with small gifts that we would like to give to all the students.