Children’s Ministry at St. Peter’s
At St. Peter’s, Children’s Ministry is all about the family. We want to partner with parents, grandparents, and the parish to help shape and nurture our children’s spiritual lives. We are here to help families introduce their children to God and grow up in him. As much as possible, we strive to incorporate children into the St. Peter’s church family, while at the same time recognizing that children need their own space to express themselves and be shaped in age-appropriate Christian education.
Sunday School
Between services, 10:25–11:05am
Sunday School is offered between the two morning services. During the Closing Hymn at the 9am service, children are invited to follow the crucifer to the back of the church and proceed down the back staircase directly to their classrooms. Families who attend the 11:15 service should have children in their designated classrooms by 10:25am.
Children’s chapel
During the 9am service only
Children 7 & under are invited to come to Children’s Chapel. We gather in the Narthex during the Sequence Hymn. In Chapel, the children will have an opportunity to hear the Gospel, pray, sing, and participate in a format that is enriching and engaging. Children will return to their pews during The Peace.
PRay & PLay
Wednesdays during the class semester, 6pm
Children are invited to come worship, pray, and play with us on Wednesday nights. If parents are attending discipleship classes, please check children in at the playground after 6:00pm. We will play outside, worship and pray at the High Altar, and then we will move downstairs for purposeful play afterwards.
Toddler Story Time
Mondays, 10am
Join us Monday mornings in the Parish Hall for Story Time. This program is geared toward our preschoolers and toddlers. We read books, sing songs, and play. Please bring your own blanket, snacks, and water. Come early to play on the playground!