Annual Parish Meeting for 2021

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 6:30pm. At that meeting, we will elect a new class of vestry members (for the first time in a few years), in order to restore the normal vestry rotation. In that regard, we need your help. This year we will have an election of four new vestry members from a slate of candidates. 

As an overview, the timeline of this process is as follows:

  • May 9–June 1 | Nominations open to the congregation

  • June 1–June 13 | Nominating Committee narrow and solicit candidates from list of nominees

  • June 14 | Final slate published to the congregation (ideally a slate of 8 names for 4 positions)

  • June 27 | Elections at Annual Parish Meeting

Please submit nominations by email to Ellen Culpepper at or you can give it to her in writing at the parish office.  Nominations are due by June 1.

Please read the official Annual Meeting and Vestry Nomination letter from Fr. Marcus below.  A copy of the letter is also being mailed to all members of the congregation.