St. Peter’s Mary and Martha Guild is working hard to raise the funds for the construction of a beautiful Hospitality House to deliver our customary Coffee, Tea, and Lemonade each Sunday after services and special events! To raise additional funds, parishioners and others are invited to purchase tickets for a chance to win one of these incredible works of art generously donated by artists from the congregation. Contributing artists include:
Rosemary Ferguson’s Catch of the Day, a water color of an anhinga snatching his breakfast from Wakulla Springs.
Nina Freeman’s Torn and Tattered water lily from one photographed on Lake Iamonia.
Mary Alma Lang painted her beautiful Cardinal for us to enjoy!
The surprise piece of work, done by the British producer of all of our stained glass windows, is the print representing the middle stained glass window in St. Mary’s Chapel in the North Transcept. We have three (3) of them to offer.

The cost for a chance to win is $5.00 per chance, $20.00 for 5 chances, or $50 for 12 chances. Your ticket purchase gives you an opportunity to win an amazing work of art AND helps build the Hospitality Center to offer refreshments on the lawn!
Artwork will be displayed in the Narthex after each service where tickets will be available for purchase. You can also download the ticket and mail in your chance to win. Simply download the ticket and follow the instructions on where to mail it in for your chance to win one of these beautiful pieces of art!