Introducing A Canon for Cathedral Operations

On Friday, 29 July 2022, The Very Rev’d Marcus A. Kaiser, Sr. announced in a note to the Cathedral congregation that after much prayer, discussion, and discernment, he has issued a call to the Rev’d Canon David Pucik to fill the newly created staff position of Canon for Cathedral Operations (CCO).

You can find the announcement, which includes a brief explanation of the role of the Canon for Cathedral Operations, linked in the button below.


The Rev'd Canon David Pucik

Canon for Cathedral Operations

Fr. David has lived in Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, Arkansas, Colorado, and South Carolina. He was ordained a Baptist minister in 2007 and became an Anglican priest in 2013. As a priest, he most enjoys helping people to find Christ in the Scriptures, as well as in the events of their lives. In his free time, Fr. David enjoys playing chess, and writing and performing folk and Americana music.


In a note to the Cathedral Congregation, Fr. David wrote:

The Puciks are thrilled to be joining the St. Peter’s family. Cal and I (Fr. David) are coming down over the next week, so that we can be there in time for Cal to start 2nd grade. Kristen and our 3-year-old Nate (and Teddy, our cairn terrier) will be following behind a couple of weeks later. It will be a whirlwind over the next few weeks, but we are excited to start this new chapter, and to see what God has in store for St. Peter’s.

Fr. David, Nate, Kristen, & Cal Pucik
(and Teddy)