St. Peter’s Cathedral hosted the Synod of the Gulf Atlantic Diocese of the Anglican Church in North America Friday, 5 November and Saturday, 6 November 2021.
Clergy, Lay Delegates, and other diocesan guests representing the forty parishes and missions of the diocese met at the cathedral for the annual business meeting and fellowship. The weekend began with a reception and dinner served by volunteers from St. Peter’s and coordinated largely by Diane Biederman, Tina Campbell, Amy Cooksey, and many others. Dinner was followed by a service of Holy Eucharist Friday evening where Bishop Neil Lebhar preached and celebrated. It was his final Synod as Diocesan Bishop.
Musical worship was led Friday evening by Cathedral Organist Mr. Chris Garven, the Cathedral Choir, Mr. Wendell Kimbrough (guitar/vocals), and Mrs. Catherine Miller (piano/vocals).
Saturday began with a service of Morning Prayer from the Daily Office, led by Dean of the cathedral, The Very Rev’d Marcus Kaiser, and followed by the Bishop’s ‘Call to Order’ and declaration of a quorum. Several workshops were offered throughout the day.
Mr. David Mica, Sr., and The Rev’d Canon Matthew R. Wilkins were elected to Diocesan Council as Lay and Clergy Representatives, respectively.
The president of the Standing Committee, The Rev’d John Wallace, led all those present in laying hands on and praying for Bishop Neil Lebhar.
The next meeting of the Synod of the Gulf Atlantic Diocese will be a Special Meeting of the Synod for the Purpose of Electing a Bishop and will be held at St. Peter’s Cathedral on Saturday, 14 May 2022.