Partnered Evangelism Core

Hallelujah Day Reflection

If I had to share one statement that captures my experience of last Sunday's Hallelujah Day in partnership with New Destiny Church, it would be this, the phrase "God is Good All the Time" is a massive understatement. I'm not knocking the phrase; I'm acknowledging the incomprehensible love and goodness of our God.

I was so encouraged and built-up in the faith seeing my fellow parishioners seek to love and serve others. I had already visited New Destiny Church, located just outside of Quincy, but the rest of the parishioners who came to serve had never been to this small rural Church.

Seeing so many show up to a place they had never been before to give of themselves, not knowing what to expect, was a deep encouragement for me, and I hope it was for everyone else.

Throughout the day, each time I looked up, I saw our parishioners being the hands and the feet of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I saw a father and son interacting with and helping members of the New Destiny congregation hand out care packages of food. Our youth played games and interacted with people they had never seen or met before. My favorite moment of the day was watching a parishioner spending time with a single mom and her children. This young mother lives in the surrounding neighborhood. She, too, came not knowing anyone or what to expect. What she found was someone who spent time with her and her children. Just making ourselves present to the moment and others is a powerful gift of love and care.

As I recollect, it seems most of us got lost in the moment of this beautiful day Jesus provided us all to be in Him and to be His hands and feet to love and serve others. We began the day in the St. Peter’s parking lot discussing the radical transformation that took place in the lives of those who encountered Jesus along the way in the Bible, such as the Apostle Paul, the Samaritan woman, or the man healed from his blindness. The goal is to encounter Christ in all that we do, that we might be transformed by him so we can then lead others to His transforming love.

If you are interested in being a part of the Partnered Evangelism ministry, please reach out to Michael Thompson at God leads us, and we couldn't be more excited to see what He will do.

World Mission Sunday at St. Peter's

World Mission Sunday at St. Peter's

The Lord richly blessed a joyous World Missions Weekend. We had dozens of our youth take part in a special day with Christopher Quinones from Love For The Least, a ministry sharing the Gospel in the refugee camps of Northern Iraq on Saturday. We then learned from more than twenty five incredible evangelistic ministries who highlighted their work in our community and in the world at large at an energizing ministry fair after each of our services.

Our parishioners pledged to become part of work in such areas as prison, human trafficking, evangelistic outreach, life, under-resourced, and campus efforts to love people in their pain and to share the life-redeeming power of Jesus Christ. A new and exciting missional spirit is truly sweeping through St. Peter’s Anglican Church. We hope that you might join us in boldly proclaiming the Gospel in both Word & deed…

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