2024 Vestry Slate

Vestry Slate for 2024

St. Peter’s is grateful to announce the candidates for election to the St. Peter's Vestry and Synod Delegation. Many names were submitted for consideration, and the Nominating Committee, utilizing the criteria for Vestry membership, and godly discernment, is pleased to present these eight individuals to the parish to stand for election to the St. Peter’s Vestry & Synod Delegation.

  • Glen Davis

  • Steve Gordon

  • Rohan Joseph

  • Carolyn Parlato

  • Ashley Trafton

  • Michelle Ubben

Please begin praying for each of them by name. We are thankful for their willingness to serve the Lord as leaders of our Cathedral.

Four of these individuals will be elected to serve on the Vestry. We will also need to elect two delegates to the Diocesan Synod. The easiest way to handle that is to elect the two persons on the ballot who aren’t elected to the Vestry, to serve a three-year term as a delegate. At the Annual Parish Meeting on May 5 at 6:30pm, you will select four names on your ballot. The top four vote recipients will be elected to the Vestry. The fifth and sixth-placed persons will be elected to serve as delegates to the Diocesan Synod.

As you pray and discern who God is calling to lead and represent our parish, please reference the Criteria & Expectations for Members of the St. Peter's Vestry linked in the button below.

Candidates for Election to the Vestry

Glen Davis

Glen currently lives in Tallahassee, FL, with his wife of 19 years, Robin Perry-Davis. Together, they serve on the Small Group Leadership Team of St. Peter’s. He has 2 adult children.  Currently the President and CEO of The Jeremiah Group, Inc., Glen functions part-time as a Manufacturer’s Representative for Motorola Solutions Inc., handling the Department of Defense in Florida.  Glen retired from Motorola after 37 years of service in 2020. He has served as the Sr. Warden of the Vestry at Incarnation Church (Tallahassee, 2015-19) and Advent Episcopal Church (W. Bloomfield, MI, 2001-04) as well as on the Standing Committee of the Gulf Atlantic Diocese (2018-19). Glen is privileged to serve on the Boards of The Good Samaritan Network, Mentors Heart, and Acts 29 Ministries (Chair, 2009-present). Glen has led numerous small men’s groups and large men’s ministry events and has completed 5 Israel Study Tours.  He has delivered over 250 lectures on both Old and New Testament Scripture.  His passions are, studying God’s Word, Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith, fishing, golf, and hiking.

Steve Gordon

Steve Gordon is a husband and father of four. As a member of St. Peter's since 2018, Steve has served as the Chair of the Adult Discipleship Committee since 2021 and as an Usher since 2019. Outside St. Peter's, Steve built two successful businesses, is a bestselling author of five books, and speaks to business audiences across the U.S.

Rohan Joseph

Rohan Joseph has been attending St Peter’s Anglican Cathedral since June 2021. He serves as an usher and is also on the altar guild and intercessory prayer team.  He is involved with The Fellowship on Tuesday evenings and the Mentors Heart program.
He is married to Beth Medley, and they have two children, Zachary and Zoë. Rohan is a board-certified General and Bariatric Surgeon with HCA Florida Capital Surgical Specialists.

Carolyn Parlato

Carolyn Parlato is a retired attorney who joined St. Peter’s in 2010 when she moved to Tallahassee from New York. She has three daughters and three grandchildren. She is currently serving as Co-Captain of the Life Ministries Core at St. Peter’s.

Ashley Trafton

Ashley was born and raised in Tallahassee and grew up attending St. John’s Episcopal Church. She and her husband, Mark, moved back to Tallahassee in 2002 to raise their three boys and are charter members of St Peter’s. Ashley works as Vice President of Operations for Coton Colors Company. She is on the board of advisors and hospitality committee for the Charles Simeon Institute, and she and Mark have enjoyed mentoring CSI interns over the years.

Michelle Ubben

Michelle Ubben is a devoted believer in Jesus and, along with her husband, Matt, is a founding member of St. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral and has raised six children in the church. They previously were members of St. John’s Episcopal Church and grew up in the Catholic Church. Michelle has led an Acts 2:42 group for the past 15 years, has served on the Altar Guild, and is currently active in a refugee outreach ministry. She previously served on the vestry in the early years of the church. She has worked in strategic communications for more than 30 years and is President and CEO of Sachs Media.

Members in Good Standing are eligible to vote

Per the St. Peter’s Bylaws, Article I states that a Member in Good Standing is

  1. Baptized;

  2. Over 18 years of age;

  3. A member of the Church for at least six (6) months prior to the date of the vote or election;

  4. Free from ecclesiastical censure;

  5. Regular in his or her attendance at the Church’s services;

  6. A member who contributes his or her time, talents or treasure to the expenses or needs of the Church for at least six (6) months prior to the date of the vote or election; and

  7. Committed to the orthodox doctrine, discipline, and worship of the Church. Orthodox doctrine is defined as the Christian belief that is taught and established in Holy Scripture and stated in the confession of the Nicene and Apostles’ Creed.