Vestry Slate for 2021 — St Peter's Anglican Cathedral

Vestry Slate for 2021

Vestry Slate for 2021

St. Peter's introduces the 2021 Vestry Slate. Many names were submitted for consideration, and the Nominating Committee, utilizing the criteria for Vestry membership and Godly discernment, are pleased to present these eight individuals to the parish to stand for election to the St. Peter’s Vestry.

  • Julie Dombroski

  • Kel Farris

  • Jerry Ford

  • Neal Johnson

  • Cal Melton

  • DeWitt Miller

  • Kristina Osterhaus

  • Bruce Prevatt

As a reminder of the process and timeline:

What happens to the nominations once made?

  • After confirming that each nominee meets the canonical requirements to be a vestry member, the Dean sends the full list of eligible nominees to the Nominating Committee.

  • The Nominating Committee is made up of the off-going vestry members and the Rector, who is a non-voting member of the Committee.

  • That committee then prayerfully discerns who God might be calling to serve as a vestry member and begins calling those nominees to ask if they will be willing to run.

  • The Nominating Committee will keep contacting nominees until they identify an appropriate number of candidates, normally around two for every seat vacant.

  • The Nominating Committee then submits the final slate of candidates to the vestry for approval.

  • Around two weeks before the Annual Parish Meeting, the church office will publish a final slate.

The timeline:

Vestry Candidates for Election

Julie Dombroski

Julie is a retired teacher and the widow of John Dombroski. Her daughter, Christine, is married to Sean Jecko in North Carolina, and her son, Matthew, is married to Tori in California. She has three grandchildren; Ann Elizabeth and Jonathan Jecko, and Savannah Sadie Dombroski. She has been a member of St. Peter’s since 2005. She helps with the first grade Sunday school class, and she is a member of both Mary & Martha Guild and Daughters of the Holy Cross. She attends various Bible study classes, Mom to Mom, and the new Grandparents group. She is also a new member of the Cathedral Connections Ministry.

Kelton Farris

Kel has been an in-house attorney for SunTrust Bank and a premium finance company that was owned by SunTrust for almost 30 years, and he and his family moved to Tallahassee in 2002. He has been married to Margaret for 30 years, and they have been blessed with a son and daughter (John and Madison), who attended St. Peter’s until they grew up and left home. Kel and Margaret have been members of St. Peter’s since the Church started in 2005. During his time at St. Peter’s, Kel has been involved in Kairos Prison Ministry, a Men’s Breakfast cooking team (back when we cooked the breakfasts), an 11:15 ushering team and numerous Bible study classes.

Jerry Ford

Dr. Jerry Ford is an ophthalmologist with Eye Associates of Tallahassee. He is married to Cay and they have been members of St. Peter’s since 2005. Together they have three children, Anna Cay (22), James (20), and Lainey (14). Jerry’s participation in ministry at St. Peter’s has included: Usher since 2005 (Head Usher 2009-2018), Finance Committee member, Synod delegate, Vestry, Media Committee, Dean Search Committee, and he recently participated in Avodah Day 2021 at Good Samaritan Village.

Neal Johnson

Neal Johnson has been married to Joanne for over sixty years. Together, they have two grown children and six grandchildren, ages 16 to 33. He retired from AT&T and Bellsouth Telephone where he served for thirty-three years with his last position being Operations Manager for Bellsouth Special Services Operations. He has attended St. Peter’s since January 2006 and currently serves as a Lay Eucharistic Minister and with a Wednesday morning Sexton Team. In the past, he has served on the Vestry, as a Synod Representative, as a Stephen Minister, usher, and as the Family Verger/Representative for funerals.

Cal Melton

Dr. Cal Melton is a Chiropractic Physician in Tallahassee and has been practicing for the past 20 years. His wife, Corrie, and he came to St. Peter's shortly after its formation. They have raised their sons, William and Phillip, here. Most of his immediate family has joined them at St. Peter's including his father, Calvin Melton, who recently joined the church, and his sister, Callie Griffin and her family. His nephew, Seiler Griffin, was an acolyte until he recently left for college.

He has been a member at St. Peter's since 2010, serving as a Verger for the last five years and Acolyte Master since Jamie’s retirement in March. Other areas of service include Discernment Committees, Co-Chair for the 2012 Parish Retreat, Middle School small group leader, and “Dad” of several Dynamos weekend. He has chaperoned two youth mission trips and has been involved with the Children’s, Youth, and Hospitality Ministries.

St. Peter's has been an amazing place for his family. He looks forward to continuing to serve where the Lord directs him.

DeWitt Miller

DeWitt Miller is the President of Miller Glass Company. He has been a member of St. Peter’s since its founding in 2005. He has been active in an Acts Group and men’s ministry, serving as a men’s retreat co-chair. Additionally, he has served as a verger as well as on the Search Committee for our new Dean. He is married to Kathy and has two grown children and three grandchildren.

Kristina Osterhaus

Kristina is a former attorney turned stay-at-home mom. She and her husband Tim have attended St. Peter's since 2008 with their four (now teenage) children - Elizabeth, Will, Anne, and Ian. Kristina's mom, Astrid Reynolds, joined St. Peter's shortly after she moved to Tallahassee to be closer to family. Kristina has taught the preschool Sunday School class for over a decade. She has also served on the Vestry, the Vestry Nominations Committee, and the Children's Ministry Advisory Council, worked as a tribe leader at many Vacation Bible Schools, and volunteered at the English Fayre. Most recently, she served as secretary to the Search Committee.

Bruce Prevatt

Bruce Prevatt is a retired Director of the FSU Center for Employee Assistance as well as a retired Captain in the United States Navy Reserves. He has been a member of St. Peter’s since 2005. His involvement in the parish has included: Finance Committee (Treasurer); diocesan delegate; mission trips to Uganda and Cuba; Stephen Ministry Leader; Verger; Lay Eucharistic Minister; Grandparents Ministry; and a Home/Visiting Lay Eucharistic Minister. He is married to Frances and has six children and eight grandchildren.

Members in Good Standing

Per the St. Peter’s Bylaws, Article I states that a Member in Good Standing is

  1. Baptized;

  2. Over 18 years of age;

  3. A member of the Church for at least six (6) months prior to the date of the vote or election;

  4. Free from ecclesiastical censure;

  5. Regular in his or her attendance at the Church’s services;

  6. A member who contributes his or her time, talents or treasure to the expenses or needs of the Church for at least six (6) months prior to the date of the vote or election; and

  7. Committed to the orthodox doctrine, discipline, and worship of the Church. Orthodox doctrine is defined as the Christian belief that is taught and established in Holy Scripture and stated in the confession of the Nicene and Apostles’ Creed.