Led by: Steve Gordon, Katy Merritt, & Matthew Swanson
Pathway 3: Formation Through the Stewardship of Spiritual Gifts and Financial Resources
Pathway 4: Formation Through Living Out Our Baptism as Public Witnesses For Christ
How do you figure out what to do with your life? Oh, and as a Christian, how do you figure out what God wants you to do with your life? Do I have to become a full-time international missionary or member of the clergy in order to be a good Christian? As young adults, we often find ourselves lost or confused. The great thing is, we have brothers and sisters in Christ that can journey with us through the often scary and complicated wilderness that is adulthood. Come a join other young adults as we discover the path that God has planned for our lives, and what it’s like to enter the workforce. We will be reading Daniel Dorian’s Work That Makes a Difference as well as What Color is Your Parachute? Copies of both will be provided.