This is a time to unplug, de-stress, and focus on God. Fr. Sudduth Cummings will offer a series of 15-minute meditations on the theme “Our Journey To the Promised Land” followed by time for silence, prayer and reflection. Lunch and childcare will be provided. Please bring your bible, a notebook, and a pen.
The Registration Deadline for the Lenten Quiet Day has passed.
Morning Session
8:30am | Coffee, tea, and pastries in the Parish Hall
9:00am | Morning Prayer and the first Meditation - There’s More: The Promise
10:00am | Second Meditation - Are We There Yet?: The Journey
10:45am | Third Meditation - A Costly Gift: The Challenges of the Land
11:45am | Noon Day Prayer
12:00pm | Lunch
Afternoon Session
12:45pm | Fourth Meditation - The Promised Security and Rest: The Kingdom of God
1:30pm | Fifth Meditation - The Promised Feast: Holy Communion
2:15pm | Sixth Meditation - Final Destination: The Glory of Heaven
3:00pm | Evening Prayer