On March 23 at 5pm, St. Peter’s Cathedral Choir will give a special performance of Mozart’s Requiem for our Lenten concert. This incredible masterwork will be presented with a full orchestra. In order to hire these musicians, the Music Ministry is asking for your donations.
As we lean into lent and the calling to follow Christ more closely and as we head toward Holy week, it is appropriate for us to sing a Requiem, or “Mass for the Dead," an ancient service which is offered on behalf of and in prayer for the repose of the souls of the dead. In it we reflect on our human condition, our pleading for God’s mercy and our eternal salvation. If you would like to donate in thanksgiving or in memory of a loved one, please use the “Giving Envelope” in your pew or at the front desk. Check the “Other” box and specify “Lenten Concert musicians.” Your donation will be presented in the bulletin for that evening, along with the names of those you would like to remember. Thank you for supporting the Music Ministry at St. Peter’s!