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Prayer Book 101 - Fr. Michael Petty

  • St. Peter's Cathedral 4784 Thomasville Road Tallahassee, FL (map)

What is that red book in the pews and how do I use it? Prayer Book 101 answers this question! Anglican worship is worship “by the book,” The Book of Common Prayer, 2019. Prayer Book 101 is designed to help you understand and use the Book of Common Prayer in both public and private settings. We will begin by looking at the origins of the Prayer Book tradition in 1549 and then spend some time with the Daily Office (Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer). After considering Anglican sacramental theology, we will walk through the two liturgies for the Eucharist. The class will also consider the sacraments of Holy Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Matrimony, the Reconciliation of a Penitent, and Ministry to the Sick. We will also take a look at the collects and Scripture readings for Sunday and the liturgy for the Burial of the Dead. The class will conclude with an examination of the Church’s calendar of liturgical seasons and feast days.