What Is Confirmation?

by The Rev’d David Marten, Youth & Young Adult Minister

Confirmation is, perhaps, one of the most significant moments of the life of a Christian. For those unfamiliar, confirmation is sacramental, an outward physical sign of an inward spiritual grace. The outward sign is the laying on of hands; the inward grace is receiving gifts of the Holy Spirit for newness of life and ministry. A significant part of this is a public confession of the faith as one's own. For adults, this means publicly entering into the community of believers. For students, it marks taking ownership of the faith as his or her own. Here, in brief, is the confession that every confirmand is making today:

The bishop will have the confirmands make three renunciations:

  1. Do you renounce the devil and all the spiritual forces of wickedness that rebel against God?

  2. Do you renounce the empty promises and deadly deceits of this world that corrupt and destroy the creatures of God?

  3. Do you renounce the sinful desires of the flesh that draw you from the love of God?

Then, he has them make three promises:

  1. Do you turn to Jesus Christ and confess him as your Lord and Savior?

  2. Do you joyfully receive the Christian Faith, as revealed in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments?

  3. Will you obediently keep God’s holy will and commandments, and walk in them all the days of your life?

Finally concluding by confessing their faith using the words of the Apostles Creed.

In preparation for this public confession, each confirmand has been working diligently. They have studied God’s word and learned the Nicene Creed, Lord’s Prayer, and 10 Commandments.

In light of all this, I encourage you to pray for everyone being confirmed today. For peace of mind and for the powerful working of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Here’s the confirmation prayer in the 2019 Book of Common Prayer:

Almighty and everliving God, we beseech you to strengthen these your servants for witness and ministry through the power of your Holy Spirit. Daily increase in them your manifold virtues of grace: the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and true godliness, and the spirit of holy fear, now and forever. Amen.