Root and Grow

The Rev'd Canon Bill Krizner, Canon for Missions & Evangelism

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.”   –Jeremiah 17:7-8

It has been an exciting month at St. Peter's, as we have explored a renewed vision together as a Church. The launch of the Parish Rule of Life now challenges each and every one of us to reconsider our relationships with Jesus Christ through four differing but interrelated lenses: our daily reading of Scripture, our pattern of prayer and worship, our role in building up the Church, and, as we are exploring today, our call in going out to share the Good News with the world around us. As each of the Canons has shared in their respective sermons, the Parish Rule of Life is not about “doing more” but instead encouraging and challenging us to “live more.” In other words, it serves as a great invitation to come closer to the God of the Universe and grow deeper into a more intimate relationship with Him.

The wonderful news is that each of the four areas prepares our hearts, minds, and souls to explore our place with Christ in each of the others. By studying God’s Word, experiencing Him in worship, and growing closer through service together at St. Peter’s, we are being formed to more boldly go and share the rich gift of Faith within the midst of the darkened world around us. The image of Jeremiah’s tree in the passage above reminds us of the importance of such grounding–strong roots provide us with the courage to stand strong and bear fruit even in the midst of complete opposition. Moreover, this image also brings forth another critical opportunity–the need for each of us to assume the role of seed bearer–evangelists and missionaries going forth from the strength of the Church, reflected in the image of this mighty tree, and then planting seeds in the hearts of others.

Missions & Evangelism have exploded within the past year at St. Peter’s, with so many of our parishioners giving greatly of their time, treasure, and talents throughout both Tallahassee and the world beyond. We have built a structure, focused within our 8 Cores, that has intentionally opened far greater opportunities so that every single parishioner can live more fully into their missional design. Going forth and sharing the love of Jesus with those that do not know Him is part of what it is to be a Christian.

We have some very specific mission-centered ways in which you can take the next steps in your relationship with God. With this in mind, we invite you to spend time exploring all that is happening on the new interactive diagram on the Missions & Evangelism tab on the St. Peters website. You can also reach out to me directly at or any one of our amazing Core Captains who are boldly leading the work within the 8 areas of Missions & Evangelism.

Sharing the transforming power of the Gospel with the world is a call upon each of our lives and opens the door to a much richer relationship with Christ. Come join us in His work!!!