Cathedral Acolytes

By Dr. Cal Melton, Cathedral Acolyte Master & Levi Pearson, Cathedral Acolyte

Greetings, Cathedral!

To the acolytes: Allow me to offer a sincere thank you to each of you. Words can’t express my gratitude to you and your families. Your presence is a blessing to the congregation at every service. Thank you!

To the parents of Cathedral acolytes: Thanks be to God, our acolyte program currently stands strong with 48 kids and young adults. I’m hopeful of adding 10-12 more rising 6th graders at our April 2nd training. We have 6 teams that rotate Sunday services with many acolytes volunteering at additional services. I appreciate every one of you and your commitment to this program, our acolytes, and God’s Church. Thank you!

Please read the following message from Levi Pearson on being an acolyte:

My name is Levi Pearson and I have participated in the acolyte program for more than a year. As a 7th grader, being an acolyte has really helped me get involved with my community. St. Peter’s has provided a calm and nurturing environment for me to complete service hours for a variety of projects and clubs. A couple of the main reasons that I acolyte on Sunday mornings is because I love feeling helpful, and I enjoy seeing so many friendly and familiar faces during services. Some of my favorite jobs are bearing a gospel torch or reading as a Youth Lector. Reading in front of the cathedral is a treasured opportunity for me because I enjoy public speaking and I love to merge my passion with the gospel. I highly recommend all 6th graders to participate in the acolyte training, because new acolytes are always appreciated, and being able to work your way up through the ribbon system is a wonderful opportunity that is rewarding in many ways. Whether you are delivering sacraments to the altar or spreading incense throughout the church, acolytes are a very important part of each church service, and they all work together to create a beautiful Sunday morning worship service. To conclude, being an acolyte at St. Peter’s is an amazing opportunity that has benefited me in a multitude of ways, and I highly recommend the program to all 6th graders that are interested. See you in church!