A Summer Fellow's Reflection

By Caleb Garven, Charles Simeon Institute Summer Fellow 2021

Caleb Garven was born in Tennessee, and was raised outside of Philadelphia. He spent his formative years in Tallahassee, from middle school through college. He studied psychology and philosophy at FSU and was an active member of the Marching Chiefs. He is currently studying for a Master of Divinity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He comes from a family of very talented musicians though he is pursuing pastoral ministry rather than music ministry. He is blessed to have a wonderful fiancée, Dallas, who supports all his endeavors. 

This has been a very busy summer for me. I have been crafting a curriculum for a Wednesday night class, writing sermons, assisting in and learning about pastoral care, and attending a lot of meetings. But this has probably been one of the most fruitful and rewarding summers I have had. I have been able to experience and learn all about the inner workings of an Anglican Cathedral and have been blessed to be working with and under so many amazing Godly people. To also be able to apply what I am learning in seminary is very rewarding. I have had the opportunity to be involved in just about everything this summer, from Youth Mission Week to Family Bible School, from serving in the liturgies to teaching and preaching.

It has truly been wonderful to be able to come back to my home church and be able to serve in a more in-depth capacity than I have before. It is very different being in a collar than being under the shadow of my dad. I am proud to call this my home parish and to have the ability to serve and learn here on my path to full-time vocational ministry. It is refreshing to be able to worship at my own church and with my family after being away at seminary.

I am glad that I was able to be a part of the Charles Simeon Institute this summer, and I do believe it has been very helpful in my discernment. I have grown in my understanding of my calling, and I have gained clarity on generally what it will entail, as much as one is able to, at least. I would recommend this wonderful program to any fellow Anglicans who are on the path to ministry. It is a robust and engaging program that asks a lot out of us but gives us so many things in return. The opportunity to learn under Fr. Michael Petty, to be mentored by Fr. Matt Wilkins, and to be guided by my lay mentoring team, is something for which I will be forever grateful.