A Parish Rule of Life

by The Rev'd Canon Dr. Michael Petty, Canon for Adult Formation

Let’s begin with two questions: First, how much time each week do you spend watching television and/or using social media? Second, how much time each week do you spend reading the Bible? According to survey data from the Pew Center for Religion and Public Life, the answer given to the second question by many American Christians is not encouraging (many were unable to name all four Gospels). It is possible to draw all sorts of conclusions from this data, but I think it needs to be said that generally speaking, we American Christians have an undisciplined approach to the Bible and the media we consume has a greater influence on our lives than the Word of God.

One of the things that the Parish Rule of Life calls all of us to is a regular (daily) and intentional discipline of reading and studying Scripture. There is really only one reason for such a discipline. A daily encounter with God’s Word is a daily encounter with God, who seeks to shape us into his faithful people. In other words, we read Scripture for both information (to understand it) and for transformation (to be changed by God speaking to us).

Many of us have heard 2 Timothy 3:16 quoted partially to support the authority of Scripture (“All Scripture is breathed out by God”). Yes, all Scripture is “breathed out” or inspired by God! But the verse goes on to say, “and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.” Scripture was inspired by God for the purpose of making us competent as his people. Without immersion in Scripture, we do not simply remain ignorant of some doctrines, but we remain incompetent Christians. God wants us to be competent so that we can serve him faithfully!

Developing a discipline of reading Scripture takes commitment but having proper resources helps. As you seek to spend more time in God’s Presence, consider the following:

1. Begin to pray the Daily Office in the Book of Common Prayer. This pattern of prayer and Scripture reading will take you through the whole Bible in one year. For an easy to use online version of the Daily Office, go to www.dailyoffice2019.com

2. Subscribe to Encounter With God. This publication will give you a Scripture reading for every day of the year and commentary to go with each reading. To subscribe, go to www.scriptureunion.org

3. Begin using St. Peter’s one-year Bible Reading Plan. These can be found in the Narthex of the church.

4. Form a Bible study group with other members of the St. Peter’s family. If you are interested in doing this, please let me know at MPetty@StPetersFL.com

Remember Romans 15:4– "For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope."