Stephen Ministers: A Heart for the Hurting

by Donna Trostle, Stephen Ministry Coordinator

All of us go through difficult and challenging seasons.  It can be extremely helpful to have someone come alongside us to give understanding and encouragement – to provide stability, hope, and Biblical principles to help us through the storm.

That is what a Stephen Minister is able to provide:  a listening ear, a supportive perspective, and God’s Word to help us through the challenges of life.  

Who are Stephen Ministers?

At St. Peter’s we have compassionate individuals who are trained to help us when we encounter loss, grief, relationship challenges, and a myriad of things that can throw our lives into a tailspin.  These Stephen Ministers are not counselors.  They are not “know-it-alls.”  They are not individuals who try to fix everyone’s troubles.  They simply provide love, care, and support when we need it most.

Perhaps you, a friend, or a family member would benefit from this kind of help and support.  If so, a Stephen Minister may be just what is needed.

Becoming a Stephen Minister.

For those who would like to come alongside and support others in a more intentional way, we provide training to become a Stephen Minister.  Through the training, you will receive practical, hands-on learning and resources to provide Christ-centered care and meet the emotional and spiritual needs of others.  Stephen Ministry promotes discipleship and deepens spiritual growth.

As a Stephen Minister you will also be supported in your ministry by our Stephen Leaders who will help you grow as you help others.  Being a Stephen Minister may be one of the most rewarding opportunities you will ever embrace.  Stephen Ministry makes ministry happen!

Find Out More.

To learn how a Stephen Minister can help you or someone you know – or how you can become a Stephen Minister – contact Donna Trostle at  Training will begin in the fall of 2021.  Your request will be confidential.