
The Acolyte Program

By Dr. Cal Melton, Acolyte Master

Dear St. Peter’s,

To my church: My family is still celebrating the blessing of having my dad confirmed here at St. Peter’s last weekend. The Holy Spirit working in our Church brought my family here. You probably cannot even imagine how He is working in you to influence your parents and your children!

To my acolytes: It is truly an honor to serve you as head of the acolyte program here at St. Peter's. I enjoy every one of you, and I want to take this opportunity to share some direction within our acolyte program. I am excited to let everyone know that the staff, clergy, and I are on the same page about our program and youth as a whole.  We all believe the more you play a part in the service the better. We will be looking for new ways for you to serve as well as re-instituting some of our previous traditions. We will be building an acolyte page within the website construct and launching an acolyte channel for training and recruitment.  Most importantly, I would like to recognize your achievements not only in the acolyte program, but also in your life outside the program. Not because you need recognition but because it is important for your church family to know what is going on in all aspects of your growth.

To the acolyte parents: We know the acolyte program can attract new members to the church. This program can and will influence the growth of acolyte programs in our diocese and the entire ACNA. We are always looking to welcome new youth into the program. Parents, please share the message with your peers and have your children share their experience as well. There are many ways to support our program and our acolytes. 

To find out more, please contact me at (850) 570-0208 or

In Christ,

Cal Melton