
What is Confirmation?

by The Rev'd Christopher Jones, St. Peter's Priest Associate

My students in last Fall’s confirmation class will be able to tell you, but for those of you who are unfamiliar with it, confirmation is the laying on of the bishop’s hands with prayer for strengthening by the Holy Spirit, following a period of catechetical formation. In confirmation, I make a mature confession of faith, publicly renewing the vows and promises made at my Baptism (Question #137). It is in confirmation where the bishop prays that the Lord would further empower, by the Holy Ghost, the believer to grow in His charity, grace, mercy, and wisdom. This is no small event. It marks a deeper level of discipleship and devotion to the Lord. 

I recently picked up my puppy from the kennel where he had stayed while I went out of town. He was excited to see me, of course, and played in the pen while the kennel owner and I chatted for a bit. When it was time to go and I called him over to me, he did a strange thing – he looked at the kennel owner, then back to me, and froze. She assured me that it was very common for puppies to do this because the kennel was her domain and she was the alpha there… not me. My puppy was confused about who to listen to – needless to say, we still have some work to do! 

Life is filled with voices (some good and others, not so much) calling out to you, sometimes for your help, other times for your attention, and at other times to garner your loyalty. As a good buddy of mine says to his daughters, “Remember who you are and whose you are.” You are a Christian empowered by the Holy Ghost to love Jesus and call others to love Him; and at your baptism, you were marked as Christ’s own forever. In the midst of all the chaos and noise, listen to His voice – delight yourselves in Him, and He will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37).

Confirmands, I pray that you all have been blessed by me as much as you all have been a blessing to me. Our time together was truly a bright spot in the middle of an… interesting… year. I am so excited to see what the Lord will do in, and through, all of you! The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.

Now, empowered further by the Holy Ghost, go forth into the world to bear witness to Christ in your lives; care for the poor, strangers, widows, and orphans; share the transforming love of Jesus to those whom the Lord places you in the midst of; and, according to your gifts, serve Christ in the world and in the Church! Amen!

Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. –Matthew 5: 16

The Rev’d Christopher Jones