Senior Warden

2021 Annual Parish Meeting

by Budd Kneip, Senior Warden

This evening, Sunday, June 27, we will hold our Annual Parish Meeting at 6:30pm at the Cathedral.  The most significant issue will be the election of new Vestry members and Synod delegates for the first time since 2018.  The process will be different this meeting.  In the past, a predetermined slate of candidates was submitted to the congregation for acceptance or rejection as a unit.  This approach does not conform to common Anglican practices, and more importantly, it does not afford the members of the parish an opportunity to help identify candidates whose faith and talents they value and respect.  

This year, parishioners submitted a number of names to the Dean’s office, reflecting a broad representation of our membership.  Our bylaws set out certain requirements which each nominee must meet, including being a confirmed Anglican, active in parish life, and a giver of record.  Once the Dean verified the qualifications, each nominee was contacted to see if they were interested in serving in either capacity.  As always, God’s hand was in the process, and eight nominees emerged who were both qualified and interested. 

At the meeting, a ballot with these eight names will be provided to each member in good standing.  Attendees will be asked to vote for four names.  The four receiving the most votes will join the Vestry, and the other four will serve as St. Peter’s delegates to the Diocesan Synod.  

In the normal course of business, there will be a financial report from our Treasurer, a Senior Warden's report, and comments from the Dean.  At the conclusion of the meeting, the four new Vestry members and Synod delegates will be announced.

Following the glorious service of institution last Sunday, this Annual Meeting will further evidence the grace and mercy God has consistently shown St. Peter’s, as we report on financial and operating issues and welcome new Vestry members and Synod delegates.  Our current Vestry has served with faith and passion, in some cases for six years, and I have been honored to serve with them.  But I’m sure I speak for all of them when I say we are eager to introduce a new set of members, with fresh perspectives which will enhance our growth and development.  This is another exciting step in that direction.  Praise God!