The Rev'd Dr. Michael Petty

Pathways to Discipleship

by The Rev'd Dr. Michael W. Petty, Canon for Adult Formation

St. Peter’s Adult Formation Committee has worked hard to create a schedule of classes for the fall.  You will find a full listing of this schedule in the Discipleship Opportunities Catalogue (available in print in the Narthex today and on the St. Peter’s website at  Before looking at the classes, however, I hope that you will look at the Pathways to Discipleship which precede the class descriptions.  All the classes offered by the Adult Formation Committee are designated as providing at least one pathway to discipleship.  The Four Pathways are:

Pathway 1: Discipleship sustained by an intentional life of prayer and worship
Pathway 2: Discipleship sustained by the study of Scripture and reflection upon Christian doctrine
Pathway 3: Discipleship sustained by the stewardship of spiritual gifts and financial resources
Pathway 4: Discipleship sustained by living out our baptism as servants and evangelists

As you look over the listing of classes, please pay careful attention to the Pathway associated with each class and then ask yourself, “At this moment in my life, which Pathway do I most need to walk?”

One of the things that most excites me about the fall is the strong schedule of classes that will be offered on Wednesday evenings from 6:15–7:30pm beginning September 15:

  • The Claims of Christ led by Ben Munroe

  • Bearing God’s Name: Who We Are as God’s People led by Fr. Michael Petty

  • The Epic of Eden led by Dan Halladay

  • Naomi and Ruth led by Brian Bailey

  • Sacred Marriage led by Jeff and Donna Trostle

  • Union With Christ led by Fred Thomson

  • Spiritual Mothering led by Alice Sanderson

Parents will want to note that the Discipleship Opportunities Catalogue also contains a listing of classes for children and youth.  By looking at the catalogue, you will know what is being offered for every member of the family.  

Happy walking!