By The Rev'd William Krizner, Canon for Missions & Evangelism

As a contagious spirit of missions and evangelism continues to sweep through our Cathedral, many of our middle school and high school youth have been deeply energized to go and share the Gospel with the world outside the walls of our building.  In fact, a group of more than twenty St. Peter’s middle and high school kids took part in praying and sharing invitations for Avodah Day with friends throughout the neighborhood near Riley Elementary School last weekend.  Many of the youth then shared in the work at Good Samaritan Outreach the next day – gardening, operating a yard sale, and sharing in laughter and encouragement with those in the community.

And all of this excitement has led us to offer the first ever St. Peter’s Youth Missions Week that will be held June 14—18. It will be a week full of fun, fellowship, and evangelism-centered work.  Each of the first four days will begin at noon with a lunch that is being prepared by women from the Daughters of the Holy Cross and the Mary & Martha Guild.  We will then travel out to work at ministry partners such as Good Samaritan Chapel, A Women’s Pregnancy Center, and Chelsea House.  At each, our young men and women will engage in people-centered outreach including offering a Vacation Bible School, building chicken coops and flower planter boxes with community members, and sharing in prayer and fellowship with those in physical and spiritual need.  The team will then travel back to St. Peter’s each afternoon for special catered dinners and dynamic presentations from ministry leaders on topics such as human trafficking, life, and evangelism before departing at 6:30 each night.  The week will then end with a fun-filled pool party at the Cooksey’s home on Friday to celebrate God’s great work that will be done throughout the week.  

As the Canon for Missions & Evangelism, there are few things that encourage my soul more than seeing our young people out on an adventure with God.  Over the years, I have watched so many youth come alive in Christ during trips, camps, and other mission-centered outings to Nicaragua, Belize, Gretna, and throughout our own community.  I am now so very excited to see what the Lord will do during this Youth Missions Week with our young people at St. Peter's.  These times together in mission are truly transformative and we believe this special time will be a catalyst for even more work together in the months and years to come.

Please register your 6th to 12th grade son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, or any other youth in your life today by stopping by the table outside this morning or email Fr. Bill at BKrizner@StPetersFL.com.  You do not want them to miss out on this special time of youth ministry together!