Spiritual Entrepreneurship: Laity Using Gifts From God To Further The Kingdom

by The Rev'd Bill Krizner, Canon for Missions & Evangelism, and Susan Newhouse Burton, founder of Tarmac Basketball

One of the cornerstones of the work being done within Missions & Evangelism at St. Peters is the continual use of God’s great gifts within our laity.  Chief amongst them is our parishioners’ creative approach to reaching the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ – something I commonly refer to as “spiritual entrepreneurship.”  We have already seen an incredible impact in new ideas set forth by our youth within the SALT grant program.  Kathy Gomer started the Wings For Change ministry and it is now distributing hundreds of feminine products, along with God’s Word, throughout Africa. Pam Valentine has recently brought together local ministries and non-profits to begin the new Christians Against Trafficking group that will host a Summit at St. Peter’s in October to address the horrors of human trafficking in our community.   These are just a few examples of the growing spiritual entrepreneurship that we see springing up in and through our laity at the Cathedral.  Another came about when God led our very own Susan Newhouse Burton to birth the Tarmac ministry to reach under-resourced young people through basketball.  I hope you find it as inspiring as I have.  —Father Bill

God led me to begin the Tarmac ministry after I endured varying hardships throughout my life.  Tarmac is defined as a set of crushed up rocks that are sealed together by tar and cement to create a solid foundation for others to use.  And it was in this image that I found God spurring me on to begin teaching and mentoring girls between the ages of 7 and 14 through a game that I have long loved – basketball.  We have been able to offer summer camps, weekend clinics, one-on-one training sessions throughout the year, and offer a special summer camp session without cost.  This year we had 22 girls attend and while basketball was front and center, I was also able to share the transforming power of God as we focused on the Ten Commandments and the importance of honoring our mothers and fathers.  We were able to present each of them with a brand-new Bible provided by St. Peter’s and will continue working to mentor them in and through Christ throughout the coming year.  I welcome any St. Peter’s parishioners that might be willing to help share God’s love with these special young people.    —Susan Newhouse Burton

Ecclesiastes 3 states: “To everything there is a season. A time for every activity under heaven.”  Court sponsorships and meal donations are also kindly appreciated.  

Please contact Partnered Evangelism Core Captain, Michael Thompson, at michaelthompson43@gmail.com or Discipled Evangelism Core Captain, Susan Newhouse Burton, directly at thetarmactlh@gmail.com or 850-251-3418 for more information.