Are you interested in learning more about St. Peter’s and why we do the things we do here?
Liturgy 101 provides the opportunity for the clergy of St. Peter’s to explain all the particulars of a typical Sunday worship service in detail, including a display of pieces used during the Eucharist and baptism, as well as vestments worn by Priests, the Bishop, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, and Vergers. Liturgy 101 is a time to learn the why and how of the Anglican faith and tradition and ask questions. For example, what are people doing before the Gospel reading on their forehead, lips, and heart? Why do the priests wear different color stoles at different times of the year? Plan to attend to find out the answer to these questions, as well as much, much more! Liturgy 101 will be held on Wednesday, April 6th, at 6:30 pm in the nave of the church.
No need to register for Liturgy 101 and childcare is available upon request.
Feel free to contact Katie Munroe with any questions.