
Filtering by: Discipleship

Monthly Men's Breakfast
6:45 AM06:45

Monthly Men's Breakfast

Men's Breakfast

Join us in the Parish Hall where the Men’s Ministry Leadership Team will have hot coffee and a home-cooked breakfast ready for you! Enjoy your breakfast over a time of fellowship with other men!

Please RSVP at the link below to ensure we have enough breakfast, or you are welcome to bring your own breakfast.

Please bring cash or check ($5) for your reserved breakfast the morning of the Men’s Breakfast.

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Being Formed in Beauty
to Jul 31

Being Formed in Beauty

  • St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Being Formed in Beauty

Led by Clifton Rogge, Charles Simeon Fellow

            This seven-week class examines the Christian life through the concept of beauty.  From God’s redemptive act expressed in Scripture, to our responding to his active work in us, we behold God more completely when we open ourselves to the various forms of beauty within this self-revelation. The requires a sacrifice on our part that conditions our faith to makes us into disciples who reflect not only Christ’s restorative grace, but the beauty drawn from the life of God himself.  This course is designed to conceptualize beauty as that which draws us into God and that which allows us to participate in God’s self-revelation as we are further transformed into his likeness.

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Perspectives on Christians and Politics: A Discussion
to Jul 31

Perspectives on Christians and Politics: A Discussion

  • St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Perspectives on Christians and Politics: A Discussion

Led by Cliff Nilson

            Who does God want you to vote for in November? We don’t have the answer to that question, but we will look at what the Scriptures say about being a good citizen. Using the book, “Jesus and the Powers”, by N.T. Wright and Michael F. Bird, this class will discuss the role of Christians in politics. We will consider the historical perspective, the relationship of church and state, the impact of the kingdom of God in this age, whether Christians can oppose laws or rulers, and what kind of government God approves. The book is recommended but not required.

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Parenting for Faith
to Jul 31

Parenting for Faith

  • St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Parenting for Faith

Led by Jason and Frances Merritt

As parents, we are perfectly positioned and perfectly equipped to daily and easily show our children the reality of day-to-day life with God. God has shared with us in the Bible a simple plan for us to encourage our children into a vibrant, two-way relationship with God. This class will help parents to understand this plan and put it into practice. Class topics include finding a spiritual framework to make sense of life, unwinding false views of God, conversational prayer, discipling children in any season of life, prayer ministry for children, and connecting children with the Church.

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Common Worship: Prayer Book 101
to Jul 31

Common Worship: Prayer Book 101

Class Title: Common Worship: Prayer Book 101
Mondays, 6:15 – 7:30 pm | June 12–July 31
Led by: Fr. Michael Petty
Pathways 1, & 4

Using The Book of Common Prayer can be difficult if you are unfamiliar with it or if you have come from a non-liturgical background. If you have found yourself puzzled by the liturgy on Sunday or would like to be able to use the Book of Common Prayer in your daily prayer life, this class is for you. Over the course of seven weeks, we will explore the origins of the Book of Common Prayer, the history of Christian liturgy, the Daily Office (Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer), the theology of the sacraments, the Eucharist, Holy Baptism as a model for the Christian life, the Sunday collects and Scripture readings, the liturgies for Holy Matrimony, the anointing of the sick, Reconciliation, Ministry at the Time of Death, the seasons of the Church year, and the Prayer Book vision for individual and common worship and prayer. By the end of the class, you will not only have a better understanding of the “how” of Anglican worship but also a better understanding of the “why”. The resource book for this class is A Walk Through the Prayer Book by Arnold Klukas.

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Kneeling With The Giants: Learning to Pray with History’s Best Teachers
to Jul 31

Kneeling With The Giants: Learning to Pray with History’s Best Teachers

  • St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Kneeling With The Giants: Learning to Pray with History’s Best Teachers

Led by Ben Praamsma, Charles Simeon Fellow

            What can our spiritual mothers and fathers teach us about prayer? Over the course of the summer, we will kneel alongside St. Benedict of Nursia, Theresa of Avila, John of the Cross, Ignatius of Loyola, George Herbert, and John Calvin, learning their unique gifts to the great tradition of prayer. We’ll get to know these friends and their stories, but also spend time praying like they did, with the hope of enriching our private and congregational prayer lives.

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Facing Death: A Christian's Journey To Life Everlasting
to May 15

Facing Death: A Christian's Journey To Life Everlasting

“Facing Death: A Christian’s Journey to Life Everlasting,” is a 6-week course taught by a panel of experts covering a range of essential topics that every Christian would benefit from. This class is for everyone – whether you are nearing the end of life, have a loved one in that stage, or are just seeking discipleship in this aspect of life. Fr. Michael will lay the foundation by providing a theological and biblical understanding of death. Then, a team of professionals from hospice will provide essential insights into medical care, support roles, and critical decisions to make. Fr. Pucik will then unpack the liturgical treasures found in the Book of Common Prayer and lead a workshop on funeral planning. The class will conclude with a panel discussion with all the instructors to answer (anonymously) questions. This class certainly covers a challenging subject matter, but it will be an enriching experience for Christian community to participate in together. 

When: Wednesdays, 6:15–7:45pm | April 10, 17, 24 & May 1, 8, 15

Location: St. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral

Spots are limited, so please click below to register your spot! All are welcome, and the classes are free.

Week 1: Living and Dying with a Truly Christian Understanding of Death

Week 2: Planning in Advance for End of Life

Week 3: Demystifying Medical Management Decisions

Week 4: Finding Hope and Assurance on the Journey

Week 5: Grieving with God and the Church

Week 6: Expert Panel Discussion

Childcare will be provided, and they can bring their dinner with them (no nuts, please).

Our instructors:

The Rev’d Canon Dr. Michael W. Petty
Director, The Charles Simeon Institute
Canon for Discipleship, St. Peter’s Cathedral

The Rev’d Canon David B. Pucik
Canon for Worship & Pastoral Care, St. Peter’s Cathedral

Patricia Goodwin, LCSW, ACHP-SW

Dr. Jennifer Lynes, D.O.
Family Medicine Specialist

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Spiritual Gifts Discovery: Learning Your Identity in Christ
10:00 AM10:00

Spiritual Gifts Discovery: Learning Your Identity in Christ

Common Service | Spiritual Gifts Discovery: Learning your identity in Christ

Do you know what your spiritual gifts are? God has equipped each one of us with spiritual gifts which He intends for us to use to build up the Church and to be His witnesses in the world. Spiritual Gifts Discovery is a morning workshop designed to help you discern your spiritual gifts, so you can put them to use in the service of the Lord and His people. 

Prior paperwork is required to participate. Please email Katie Munroe for more information.

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Sunday School: The Grand Sweep of Scripture
to Apr 28

Sunday School: The Grand Sweep of Scripture

  • St. Peter's Cathedral (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Class Title: The Grand Sweep of Scripture
Sundays, 10:30-11am | January 14-April 28
Led by: Fr. Michael Petty
Pathway 2: Scripture and Christian Doctrine

Adult Sunday School continues a journey through the whole of Scripture by exploring the book of Joshua.  In Joshua, God’s promise of land to the descendants of Abraham finds a provisional fulfillment as Israel settles in the land of Canaan.  As we explore the narrative of Joshua, we will be looking at its Christian meaning, recognizing that the early church read this book as prefiguring the Messiah.  We will also explore the themes of faith, trust in God, living in a hostile environment, and hope.

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Growing a Culture of Intercession and Healing Prayer in the Life of the Church
to Mar 20

Growing a Culture of Intercession and Healing Prayer in the Life of the Church

Led by: Bp. Andy Miller (EEC) & Ryan Cecil
Pathway 1:  Formation Through Prayer and Worship

Pathway 4:  Formation Through Living Out Our Baptism as Public Witnesses for Christ

Intercession and Healing Prayer have been critical components of faith expressed by both the Old and New Testaments and have historically been central to the life, mission, and health of the Church.  This class will emphasize the importance of creating a foundation for and nurturing a culture of intercession and healing prayer.  Special attention will be given to scriptural lessons and instruction on intercession and healing prayer for “sickness of body, mind, and spirit” (BCP, p. 225), as taught and demonstrated by Christ, the patriarchs, and the Apostles.  In addition to these principles, participants will also explore five ways that believers typically hear from God so that we are able to pray in agreement with the intercession of the Holy Spirit.

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Struggles in the Spiritual Life
to Mar 20

Struggles in the Spiritual Life

Led by: Fr. Sudduth Cummings & Brian Bailey
Pathway 1:  Formation Through Prayer and Worship
Pathway 4: Formation Through Living Out Our Baptism as Public Witnesses For Christ

All of us encounter spiritual struggles, valleys in our journey with the Lord, and times of spiritual dryness or even desolation.  This class focuses on particular struggles and how to deal with them so as to grow in holiness.  Some of the situations addressed will be: What to do when you are tired, burned out, or overwhelmed by life.  How to respond when you feel burdened or confused in prayer.  Helpful tactics to employ when experiencing spiritual struggles.  How to deal with worldly agitations and temptations. How to resist the enemy when your confidence in God is threatened. Participants should purchase Struggles in the Spiritual Life: Their Nature and Their Remedies by Timothy Gallagher, available in St. Peter’s Bookstore.

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Dean's Bible Study: The Letter to the Hebrews
to Mar 20

Dean's Bible Study: The Letter to the Hebrews

Led by: Fr. Marcus Kaiser, Dean
Pathway 2: Scripture and Christian Doctrine
Pathway 4: Formation Through Living Out Our Baptism as Public Witnesses For Christ

Join Dean Marcus Kaiser for a guided tour of the Letter to the Hebrews.  This class will focus on key passages of Hebrews so as to explore such important issues as the person and work of Christ, the nature of the Christian life, the relationship between the Old and New Testaments, and the calling of Christians to the holiness of life.  The textbook for this class is Hebrews: A 12-Week Study by Matthew Capps.

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Mere Christianity
to Mar 20

Mere Christianity

Led by: Deacon Justin Hughes
Pathway 2: Scripture and Christian Doctrine
Pathway 4: Formation Through Living Out Our Baptism as Public Witnesses For Christ

In Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis lays out the fundamentals of the Christian faith and doctrine in a way that is both accessible to the novice and engaging for the mature.  It is among the 20th Century’s most important contributions to the canon of classic works of Christian thought.  This class will read and discuss Mere Christianity and bring it into conversation with biblical texts and other classic expressions of Christian faith and doctrine.  The issues Lewis addresses are a great read for people new to or interested in the Christian faith.  Participants should purchase a copy of Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis, available in St. Peter’s Bookstore.        

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The Anglican Catechism: The Christian Basics
to Mar 20

The Anglican Catechism: The Christian Basics

  • St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Class Title: The Anglican Catechism: The Christian Basics
Wednesdays, 6:15-7:15pm | January 10-March 20
Led by: Fr. Michael Petty
Pathway 1: Cultivate a life of prayer and worship
Pathway 2: Scripture and Christian Doctrine
Pathway 4: Formation Through Living Out Our Baptism as Public Witnesses For Christ

To Be A Christian: An Anglican Catechism is the official catechism of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). It was designed to introduce people to the Christian faith as well as to provide instruction to those who have already been baptized. The Catechism presents teachings on the Apostles’ Creed (what a Christian should believe), the Lord’s Prayer (how a Christian should pray), and the Ten Commandments (how a Christian should live). This class provides an in-depth introduction to the Catechism and an opportunity to discuss its meaning and implications for life. Participants should Purchase a copy of To Be A Christian: An Anglican Catechism (available in St. Peter’s Bookstore).

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Brothers in Faith
to Apr 30

Brothers in Faith

  • St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Meets Every Tuesday

Led by: Ryan Cecil
Pathways 1 & 4

In our fractured world, Brothers In Faith seeks to celebrate the redemptive work of Christ in an environment that builds deep bonds of fellowship. We are a community of men who seek to be formed in Christ through the power of Christian friendships, prayer, discussion, mutual accountability, and mutual encouragement. We study a variety of topics and books that cover a broad scope of the Christian tradition. New members are always welcome and encouraged! For more information, contact Ryan Cecil by clicking the button below.

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December Men's Breakfast
7:00 AM07:00

December Men's Breakfast

Men's Breakfast

Men’s Breakfasts have returned to the First Thursday of the month at 7am.

Join us in the Parish Hall where the Men’s Ministry Leadership Team will have hot coffee and a home-cooked breakfast ready for you! Enjoy your breakfast over a time of fellowship with other men!

Please RSVP at the link below to ensure we have enough breakfast, or you are welcome to bring your own breakfast.

Please bring cash or check ($5) for your reserved breakfast the morning of the Men’s Breakfast.

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God’s Design for Wholeness: Developmental Psychology and Our Christian Formation
to Dec 20

God’s Design for Wholeness: Developmental Psychology and Our Christian Formation

This Advent semester we are offering one class: "God’s Design for Wholeness: Developmental Psychology and Our Christian Formation.” It will be co-taught by Bishop Jim Hobby and Nate Webster, LMHC.

When: Wednesdays, 6:15–7:45pm | November 29 and December 6, 13 & 20

Location: St. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral

From birth to adulthood, everyone experiences psychological development (cognitive, emotional, moral, social, etc.) Psychologists have studied human development and found tools that help us develop well. This four- week course will study God's plan for our healthy psychological development and how we can apply these tools to our christian formation.

This course will be especially helpful to parents and those who are working with others in the process of Christian formation. It will also give insight regarding the stuck places that we all experience in our own formation journeys as well.

Spots are limited so please click below to register your spot! All are welcome and the classes are free.

Childcare will be provided and they can bring their dinner with them (no nuts please).

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November Men's Breakfast
7:00 AM07:00

November Men's Breakfast

Men's Breakfast

Men’s Breakfasts have returned to the First Thursday of the month at 7am.

Join us in the Parish Hall where the Men’s Ministry Leadership Team will have hot coffee and a home-cooked breakfast ready for you! Enjoy your breakfast over a time of fellowship with other men!

Please RSVP at the link below to ensure we have enough breakfast, or you are welcome to bring your own breakfast.

Please bring cash or check ($5) for your reserved breakfast the morning of the Men’s Breakfast.

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Small Group Leadership Summit
12:30 PM12:30

Small Group Leadership Summit

If you are currently leading a small group or if you are interested in serving as a small group leader, you will want to be present for the St. Peter's Small Group Leader's Summit on Sunday, October 22 from 12:30-3:30 pm in the Parish Hall.  You will receive tips on how to lead a group and helpful information Bible study materials.  Come network with other group leaders for insight and encouragement.  For more information, click the button below to email the Small Group Ministry Leadership team.

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Women's Afternoon Tea
3:00 PM15:00

Women's Afternoon Tea

Women’s Afternoon Tea

Sunday, 15 October, from 3pm–4:30pm | Mary Mica’s Home

Women of all ages are invited to a festive party with finger sandwiches and cookies (gluten-free, too!) and tea, activities, and entertainment! Wear a hat or a bow, and bring your mom, your sister, your best friend, or your neighbor!

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Fall Women's Gathering
to Oct 7

Fall Women's Gathering


10.6 | Friday Evening | 6–8pm

10.7 | Saturday | 8am–3pm

About our Speaker

Shelly Sorem is a deacon in the Diocese of the Western Gulf Coast and a chaplain at the Westlake Volunteer Fire Department. She serves as the Provincial Council President for Daughters of the Holy Cross. She serves on her diocesan Women’s Ministry team, on the Women’s Leadership Initiative for ACNA and on the ARDF Domestic Disaster Response Team. She speaks at conferences and retreats nationally and internationally. Shelly is passionate about people coming to know and love the Lord and growing in their faith. She loves teaching the Word of God and helping people dig into Scripture for themselves in order to learn how to apply it to their lives. She and her husband Bill have been married for 32 years. They have two adult daughters who are married and three granddaughters. She loves being Mimi to her granddaughters and enjoys time at the beach and hiking in the mountains.

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50+ Lunch & Learn
12:00 PM12:00

50+ Lunch & Learn

The Sr. Luncheon has a new name...it's "50+ Lunch & Learn". Join us on October 5, 2023 for a delicious lunch, fellowship, and an interesting speaker. Registration is important for planning.

Sorry, registration for our October lunch is closed. You are still welcome to join us, but please bring your own lunch. Feel free to reach out to Alice Sanderson via email to let her know you'll be joining us with your own lunch, or if you have any questions!

Our October speaker is one of our very own, Dave Lang.

Contact Alice Sanderson for more information.

Future Dates

9 November 2023

8 February 2024

7 March 2024

11 April 2024

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October Men's Breakfast
7:00 AM07:00

October Men's Breakfast

Men's Breakfast

Men’s Breakfasts have returned to the First Thursday of the month at 7am.

Join us in the Parish Hall where the Men’s Ministry Leadership Team will have hot coffee and a home-cooked breakfast ready for you! Enjoy your breakfast over a time of fellowship with other men!

Please RSVP at the link below to ensure we have enough breakfast, or you are welcome to bring your own breakfast.

Please bring cash or check ($5) for your reserved breakfast the morning of the Men’s Breakfast.

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