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Common Worship: Prayer Book 101
to Jul 31

Common Worship: Prayer Book 101

Class Title: Common Worship: Prayer Book 101
Mondays, 6:15 – 7:30 pm | June 12–July 31
Led by: Fr. Michael Petty
Pathways 1, & 4

Using The Book of Common Prayer can be difficult if you are unfamiliar with it or if you have come from a non-liturgical background. If you have found yourself puzzled by the liturgy on Sunday or would like to be able to use the Book of Common Prayer in your daily prayer life, this class is for you. Over the course of seven weeks, we will explore the origins of the Book of Common Prayer, the history of Christian liturgy, the Daily Office (Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer), the theology of the sacraments, the Eucharist, Holy Baptism as a model for the Christian life, the Sunday collects and Scripture readings, the liturgies for Holy Matrimony, the anointing of the sick, Reconciliation, Ministry at the Time of Death, the seasons of the Church year, and the Prayer Book vision for individual and common worship and prayer. By the end of the class, you will not only have a better understanding of the “how” of Anglican worship but also a better understanding of the “why”. The resource book for this class is A Walk Through the Prayer Book by Arnold Klukas.

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Spiritual Gifts Discovery: Learning Your Identity in Christ
10:00 AM10:00

Spiritual Gifts Discovery: Learning Your Identity in Christ

Common Service | Spiritual Gifts Discovery: Learning your identity in Christ

Do you know what your spiritual gifts are? God has equipped each one of us with spiritual gifts which He intends for us to use to build up the Church and to be His witnesses in the world. Spiritual Gifts Discovery is a morning workshop designed to help you discern your spiritual gifts, so you can put them to use in the service of the Lord and His people. 

Prior paperwork is required to participate. Please email Katie Munroe for more information.

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The Anglican Catechism: The Christian Basics
to Mar 20

The Anglican Catechism: The Christian Basics

  • St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Class Title: The Anglican Catechism: The Christian Basics
Wednesdays, 6:15-7:15pm | January 10-March 20
Led by: Fr. Michael Petty
Pathway 1: Cultivate a life of prayer and worship
Pathway 2: Scripture and Christian Doctrine
Pathway 4: Formation Through Living Out Our Baptism as Public Witnesses For Christ

To Be A Christian: An Anglican Catechism is the official catechism of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). It was designed to introduce people to the Christian faith as well as to provide instruction to those who have already been baptized. The Catechism presents teachings on the Apostles’ Creed (what a Christian should believe), the Lord’s Prayer (how a Christian should pray), and the Ten Commandments (how a Christian should live). This class provides an in-depth introduction to the Catechism and an opportunity to discuss its meaning and implications for life. Participants should Purchase a copy of To Be A Christian: An Anglican Catechism (available in St. Peter’s Bookstore).

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Common Worship: Prayer Book 101
to Oct 30

Common Worship: Prayer Book 101

Class Title: Common Worship: Prayer Book 101
Mondays, 6:15 – 7:30 pm | 18 September–30 October
Led by: Fr. Michael Petty
Pathways 1, & 4

Prayer Book 101 is an introduction to The Book of Common Prayer, 2019 which is the official prayer book of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). This class focuses on how to use the Prayer Book for both common and private prayer and is a good introduction to liturgical worship for those who do not come from a liturgical tradition. Topics include The Daily Office (Morning and Evening Prayer), the foundations of liturgical worship, the theology of the sacraments, the two eucharistic liturgies (Anglican Standard and Ancient Renewed), liturgies for Holy Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Matrimony, and other pastoral rites, the Church liturgical calendar and major feast days. Participants should purchase a copy of The Book of Common Prayer, 2019, available in St. Peter’s Bookstore.

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The Anglican Catechism: The Christian Basics
to Nov 15

The Anglican Catechism: The Christian Basics

  • St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Class Title: The Anglican Catechism: The Christian Basics
Wednesdays, 6:15-7:30pm | September 13 – November 15
Led by: Fr. Michael Petty
Pathway 1: Cultivate a life of prayer and worship
Pathway 2: Scripture and Christian Doctrine
Pathway 4: Formation Through Living Out Our Baptism as Public Witnesses For Christ

To Be A Christian: An Anglican Catechism is the official catechism of the Anglican Church in North America (acna). It was designed to introduce people to the Christian faith as well as to provide instruction to those who have already been baptized. The Catechism presents teachings on the Apostles’ Creed (what a Christian should believe), the Lord’s Prayer (how a Christian should pray), and the Ten Commandments (how a Christian should live). This class provides an in-depth introduction to the Catechism and an opportunity to discuss its meaning and implications for life. Participants should Purchase a copy of To Be A Christian: An Anglican Catechism (available in St. Peter’s Bookstore).

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Connections Sunday 2023
10:25 AM10:25

Connections Sunday 2023

Join us for Connections Sunday! Come out to the transepts after each morning service to discover new ways to get connected in the different ministry opportunities St. Peter's has to offer.

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Common Worship: Prayer Book 101
to Mar 13

Common Worship: Prayer Book 101

Class Title: Common Worship: Prayer Book 101
Mondays, 6:15 – 7:30 pm | 20 February–13 March
Led by: Fr. Michael Petty
Pathways 1, 2, & 4

Prayer Book 101 provides an introduction to The Book of Common Prayer, 2019 which is the foundation of all worship at St. Peter’s.  This nine-week class explores the biblical foundations of liturgy, Morning and Evening Prayer (The Daily Office), the theology of the sacraments, the liturgies for Baptism and Eucharist, the Pastoral Rites, and the Church’s liturgical calendar.  The class also includes an instructed Eucharist.  In order to understand Anglicanism, it is essential to have a grasp of the Book of Common Prayer. Participants should purchase a copy of The Book of Common Prayer, 2019, available in St. Peter’s Bookstore.

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Common Faith: The Anglican Catechism
to Mar 19

Common Faith: The Anglican Catechism

Class Title: Common Faith: The Anglican Catechism
Sundays, 6:15-8:00 pm | 29 January–19 March
Led by: Fr. Michael Petty
Pathway 1: Prayer and Worship
Pathway 2: Scripture and Christian Doctrine

To Be A Christian: An Anglican Catechism presents the official teaching of the Anglican Church in North America and is offered as an essential foundation for discipleship.  The Catechism consists of three parts: Believing in Christ (the Apostles’ Creed), Belonging to Christ (the Lord’s Prayer), and Becoming Like Christ (the Ten Commandments).  This eight-week class provides a complete introduction to the Catechism, emphasizing its foundation in Scripture and Tradition and the guidance it offers for Christian living.

To Be A Christian: An Anglican Catechism can be purchased in St. Peter’s Bookstore.

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Spiritual Gifts Discovery: Learning Your Identity in Christ
10:00 AM10:00

Spiritual Gifts Discovery: Learning Your Identity in Christ

Common Service | Spiritual Gifts Discovery: Learning your identity in Christ

Do you know what your spiritual gifts are? God has equipped each one of us with spiritual gifts which He intends for us to use to build up the Church and to be His witnesses in the world. Spiritual Gifts Discovery is a morning workshop designed to help you discern your spiritual gifts, so you can put them to use in the service of the Lord and His people. 

Prior paperwork is required to participate. Please email Katie Munroe at for more information.

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St. Peter's Anniversary Celebration and Cookout
10:00 AM10:00

St. Peter's Anniversary Celebration and Cookout

Join us for ONE SERVICE at 10AM, followed by a (quick!) tour of the Cathedral spaces ending on the North Lawn for burgers, hot dogs, drinks, games, and fellowship!

What are we exploring?

Get to know Cathedral Staff and where they work, along with ALL that really happens in each space. It’s probably more than you think!

What are we celebrating?

St. Peter’s is 17! But more importantly, God has done incredible things through the ministry of St. Peter’s over the last seventeen years. Yes, there have been challenging moments, but God has been gracious to us and continued to impact each of us and those around us!

What are we looking forward to?

The future (obviously)! We have big ideas for how God might continue to use St. Peter’s to expand the Kingdom of Heaven and impact our community and world with the transforming love of Jesus Christ!

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Common Worship: Prayer Book 101
to Oct 31

Common Worship: Prayer Book 101

Class Title: Common Worship: Prayer Book 101
Mondays, 6:15 – 7:30 pm | 19 September–31 October
Led by: Fr. Michael Petty
Pathways 1, 2, & 4

Prayer Book 101 provides an introduction to The Book of Common Prayer, 2019 which is the foundation of all worship at St. Peter’s.  This nine-week class explores the biblical foundations of liturgy, Morning and Evening Prayer (The Daily Office), the theology of the sacraments, the liturgies for Baptism and Eucharist, the Pastoral Rites, and the Church’s liturgical calendar.  The class also includes an instructed Eucharist.  In order to understand Anglicanism, it is essential to have a grasp of the Book of Common Prayer. Participants should purchase a copy of The Book of Common Prayer, 2019, available in St. Peter’s Bookstore.

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Spiritual Gifts Discovery: Learning Your Identity in Christ
10:00 AM10:00

Spiritual Gifts Discovery: Learning Your Identity in Christ

  • St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Common Service | Spiritual Gifts Discovery: Learning your identity in Christ

Do you know what your spiritual gifts are? God has equipped each one of us with spiritual gifts which He intends for us to use to build up the Church and to be His witnesses in the world. Spiritual Gifts Discovery is a morning workshop designed to help you discern your spiritual gifts, so you can put them to use in the service of the Lord and His people. 

Prior paperwork is required to participate. Please email Katie Munroe at for more information.

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Liturgy 101
6:30 PM18:30

Liturgy 101

Liturgy 101

Monday, 15 November, 6:30pm

Are you interested in learning more about St. Peter’s and why we do the things we do here?  Liturgy 101 provides the opportunity for the clergy of St. Peter’s to explain all the particulars of a typical Sunday worship service in detail, including a display of pieces used during the Eucharist and baptism, as well as vestments worn by Priests, the Bishop, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, and Vergers. Liturgy 101 is a time to learn the why and how of the Anglican faith and tradition and ask questions. For example, what are people doing before the Gospel reading on their forehead, lips, and heart? Why do the priests wear different color stoles at different times of the year? 

Join us in the Nave of the church to find out the answer to these questions, as well as much, much more!

No need to register, but childcare is only available upon request.  Contact Amy Cooksey at with any questions.

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Common Worship: Prayer Book 101
to Nov 8

Common Worship: Prayer Book 101

  • St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Class Title: Common Worship: Prayer Book 101
Mondays, 6:15 – 7:30 pm | September 13 – November 8
Led by: Fr. Michael Petty
Pathway 1: Prayer and Worship

Prayer Book 101 provides an introduction to The Book of Common Prayer, 2019 which is the foundation of all worship at St. Peter’s.  This nine-week class explores the biblical foundations of liturgy, Morning and Evening Prayer (The Daily Office), the theology of the sacraments, the liturgies for Baptism and Eucharist, the Pastoral Rites and the Church’s liturgical calendar.  The class also includes an instructed Eucharist.  In order to understand Anglicanism, it is essential to have a grasp of the Book of Common Prayer. 

Textbook: The Book of Common Prayer, 2019

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Common Faith: The Anglican Catechism
to Oct 31

Common Faith: The Anglican Catechism

  • St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Class Title: Common Faith: The Anglican Catechism
Sundays, 6:30-8:00 pm | September 12 – October 31
Led by: Fr. Michael Petty
Pathway 2: Scripture and Christian Doctrine

To Be A Christian: An Anglican Catechism presents the official teaching of the Anglican Church in North America and is offered as an essential foundation for discipleship.  The Catechism consist of three parts: Believing in Christ (the Apostles’ Creed), Belonging to Christ (the Lord’s Prayer), and Becoming Like Christ (the Ten Commandments).  This eight-week class provides a complete introduction to the Catechism, emphasizing its foundation is Scripture and Tradition and the guidance it offers for Christian living.

Textbook: To Be A Christian: An Anglican Catechism.

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