
Filtering by: Youth
Equipping the Saints
to Mar 29

Equipping the Saints

  • St. Peter's Cathedral (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Equipping the Saints Weekend is designed to train parishes across our diocese in areas of ministry that have been identified by diocesan leadership as strategic opportunities for growth.

The Center for Ministry, a Strategic Initiative in the 2023-2028 Diocesan Strategic Plan, is hosting this event in partnership with the Cathedral’s Charles Simeon Institute.

We will be offering 6 Tracks for Training (participants will choose 1 ):

  • Training & Certification for Lay Eucharistic Ministers (Facilitator: Deacon Debra Gordon, Christ Church, Vero Beach)
    For the experienced or a newly recruited LEM, this workshop will blend practical knowledge and hands-on instruction to equip men and women to serve the Eucharist and to participate in worship services as effective lay ministers. A discussion component will provide space for individual questions about handling other activities often assigned to LEMs in a local ministry context. Workshop participants will meet thetraining requirements to receive the diocesan two-year license for this ministry.

  • Church Musicians: Pastoring through Music and Liturgy (Facilitator: Archdeacon Jessica Jones)
    Lex orandi, lex credendi: the law of prayer is the law of belief. In other words, what we say (or sing!) in worship forms us. Therefore, it is vital that our musical worship leaders understand how the songs they select align with the liturgy, the Word, the liturgical season, and most importantly, how those songs impact the congregation’s theology over time. Because what we sing will impact our faith. This workshop will equip musical worship leaders to serve as pastoral musicians, serving their congregations with liturgical integrity that considers the biblical and historical structure of worship, so as to strengthen and encourage spiritual formation within our communities and ourselves.

  • The Bishop, The Rector, and the Vestry (Facilitator: Rev. David Trautman)
    Every Anglican leader needs to understand the different roles of rectors, vestry members, and bishops. When leaders understand these rolesand put them into practice, Anglican churches flourish. When they don’t, they can flounder. This course will practically explain the differentroles, responsibilities, and resources for leading a flourishing Anglican church. This course will also address the needs, challenges, structures, canons, and other important issues facing Anglican churches of any size. We will be using Canon David Roseberry’s book, TheRector, the Vestry and the Bishop: The Essential Guide for Anglican Leaders, as a resource for this class. You will not need to read it in advance.

  • The Ministry Of Hospitality: Welcoming Friends & Strangers Into God’s Community (Facilitator: Rev. Canon Bill Krizner)
    Recognizing that both belief and belonging are fundamental to God’s Church, this workshop is designed to help leaders reconsider their approach in helping those exploring the church find an immediate connection to Jesus and His ministry within your particular church context. Taught by the Gulf Atlantic Diocese’s Canon for Congregational Development, the workshop will help participants look at the most common mistakes that churches make when engaging with visitors; consider the most effective ways to introduce such newcomers to not only church programs but to the people of the church; and create individualized plans to pursue when returning home from the workshop. This session will be highly interactive and rely heavily upon scenario-based training, as well as interactive workshop exercises, to best explore God’s desire to grow His Church through the crucial ministries of inviting, welcoming, and connecting.

  • Running Alpha in Your Community (Facilitator: Jenny Noyes, Global Mission Initiative & New Wineskins)
    The Alpha Course is still one of the best ways to introduce people to Jesus and make disciples through a local church community. Alpha wasstarted in an Anglican Church in London over 30 years ago, and it’s still going strong all over the world. Though Alpha has been used in theU.S. since the mid-1990s, our post-Christian culture is now more ready than ever for a non-threatening, honest conversation about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit! My life was completely transformed when I attended Alpha in 1991 in London. It has been my pleasure to share with churches around the world for three decades how this model of 1st century Christianity can help your church reach the lost in your community and enfold them into the life and witness of your local church. Come explore how you can use Alpha to expand God’s Kingdom where you live, work and play!

  • Youth: Apologetics for the Next Generation (Facilitator: Rev. Canon Christopher Jones)
    You’ve probably heard the term “G.O.A.T.” used to describe the Greatest Of All Time—whether it’s LeBron James or Michael Jordan, TheBeatles or Michael Jackson (or for GenZers, Taylor Swift). But what if there is one person whose greatness goes far beyond the fame of anyathlete, musician, or celebrity?

    In this workshop, we’ll be talking about the real GOAT — Jesus Christ. His greatness isn’t measured by scoring or platinum records, but by Hisunique role in human history and the way He changed everything for us. But more than just recognizing His greatness, we’ll also equip youwith the rudimentary tools to build the game plan you need to defend your faith with confidence in a world that often asks tough questions.”How can you believe in something you can’t see?” “Does science disprove God?” “Isn’t the Bible just a book of myths?” These are the kinds of questions you’ll face in school, with your friends, and even online.

    While we can’t cover every apologetics topic or question in a short workshop, by the end of it, you’ll learn how to respond with reason and evidence, while doing so in a thought-provoking and winsome approach.

  • Children’s Ministry: Discover the Art of Engaging Young Hearts – A Godly Play Workshop (Facilitator: Ruth Seawell, Church of the Apostles, Fairhope, AL)
    Are you passionate about sharing faith with children in a meaningful and impactful way? Join us for an inspiring workshop where you’ll observe a licensed Godly Play instructor lead a live session with children, demonstrating this creative and wonder-filled approach to spiritua formation. This workshop is perfect for Sunday school teachers, Christian educators, clergy, and anyone who desires to nurture children’s faith journeys in an authentic and imaginative way.

    What You’ll Experience:
    ✨ Live Demonstration: Watch an expert storyteller guide children through the Godly Play curriculum, fostering curiosity and deep engagement.
    ✨ Interactive Debrief: Reflect on the session with the instructor and fellow participants to understand the techniques, theology, and principles behind Godly Play.
    ✨ Hands-On Learning: Gain practical tips for incorporating storytelling, creative response, and sacred play into your teaching.

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Spiritual Gifts Workshop
9:00 AM09:00

Spiritual Gifts Workshop

What are Spiritual Gifts and What are Mine?

Each of us has been blessed with unique talents and abilities to be used to serve our community and further God's kingdom.  Come learn about your spiritual gifts and how you can use them here at St. Peter's to glorify God.

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Family Bible School
to Jun 5

Family Bible School

  • St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Family Bible School

June 3-5, 5:00–8:00pm


Why “Family Style”? Discipleship is not an individual event; God created us to journey and support each other in this life together. Family Style means families come to worship, pray, play, and fellowship together as a family and with other families. Our prayer is that this will be an opportunity to help families grow together in their faith and reconnect to God’s kingdom and each other. Our hope is that our families will leave empowered to continue growing their faith together at home.

What is Family Bible School?  Very similar to a regular VBS! There will be singing and dancing, interactive Bible stories, crafts, water games, and more! Children will start with their parents at their picnic blanket on the lawn, but they won’t be sitting for long! Families will be grouped in tribes and will visit stations together. Stations will be inside and outside the church. Kids will still have opportunities to have fun with old friends and make new ones. Parents will have a chance to connect with their peers, too!

What is expected of parents, grandparents, and guardians?  Have fun with your kids! You will help shepherd them to the different stations and help them participate in the activities and program. This is a great opportunity to share your faith and make memories with your children. This is not a drop-off event. Parents are participating for the entire time. We need at least one parent (grandparent or guardian) per family to stay. You are welcome to bring friends! You will be responsible for the children you bring. You will not be alone! There will be volunteers assigned to help and support families as they navigate the different activities and program.

What about my baby or toddlers?  Bring them! Nursery is open for the littlest ones, or they are welcome to stay with your family too!

What about my teens? Teens may participate with your family, or serve in one of the many volunteer positions needed to make FBS a great success!

If I volunteer, can I have dinner?  Yes! Dinner reservations are a part of the volunteer sign up. We want volunteers to come fellowship with dinner and worship with the families!

We prefer to have dinner at home.  No problem! If you would prefer not to partake of the parish dinners, you may certainly eat ahead of time and join us at 5:30 FBS programming, or pack your own picnic and eat with the other families at 5:00pm.

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Soul in the City
to Jun 27

Soul in the City


Soul in the City is a week-long overnight summer camp where rising 7th - 12th grade students physically and relationally invest in our local community with their time and talents by being the hands and feet of Jesus. During this action-packed week, students live on the Grace Anglican Church campus in a mission-styled setting. They sleep on air mattresses (girls and guys separated in different buildings) and shower in custom-built PVC pipe showers with curtains and safe platforms. It is straight from the hose (and quite cold sometimes).

Just like an overseas mission trip, Soul in the City is on mission to the local community. Students serve during the day at various mission sites, have fun with friends, and gather at the Barn in the evening for worship, teaching, and small group discussion. A typical day of service is about six hours and can range from yard clean up to playing with children. Each day there are many opportunities for fun. There are scheduled events throughout the week that happen on campus and are geared towards students having the best week of camp ever! Campers won’t leave Soul in the City without experiencing fun, and most importantly, spiritual transformation and growth.

January 1st - February 28th: $300 per camper
March 1st - April 30th: $325 per camper
May 1st - May 31st: $350 per camper

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Camp Araminta 2025
to Jul 26

Camp Araminta 2025

Rising 4th-12th Grade Students

Camp Araminta July 21-26 2025

Camp Araminta is one very active week with ongoing, exciting programs and activities that keep our kids busy from the crack of dawn until the evening. Camp is open to all rising 4th-12th grade students. We are building Christian Community through fellowship, living the Christian ideal from day to day, and learning to hold each other accountable. We also encourage discipleship by teaching youth how to filter the culture around us and discern what we listen to, say, and do (in music, media, and games). We are a ministry dedicated to supporting our youth as well as our fellow Anglicans.

Isaiah 40:31 reminds us, “but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Like birds learning to fly, our faith begins with a leap; we take that step and can feel God’s comfort surround us like the very air we breathe. The name Araminta was chosen because it means lofty in Hebrew. As Christians, not only do we keep our minds focused on things above (Col 3:2), but we strive to pass on the faith to others in a way that they, too, will take that leap and learn to fly into God’s comfort. Araminta from its English roots means prayer or protection, and our prayer is that Camp Araminta is a place “where faith takes flight” for everyone who comes here.

Our Mission
To support the children and youth ministries of the congregations of the Gulf Atlantic Diocese by offering a short-term intense experience of Christian community and discipleship.

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New Wineskins 2025
to Sep 20

New Wineskins 2025

  • Ridgecrest Conference Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

New Wineskins Missionary Network exists to advance the Kingdom of God by mobilizing Anglicans for authentic, cross-cultural partnership around the world. Through online resources, partners, networks, prayer, and mission conferences, we facilitate collaboration and inspire mission engagement.

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Dynamos 36 (March 7-9th)
12:00 AM00:00

Dynamos 36 (March 7-9th)

I want to invite all of your kids to Dynamos. This is a faith packed weekend for high school students, run by other high school students in our diocese along with the help of adults and clergy. This is an amazing opportunity to grow in their faith with other teenagers.

The mission of Dynamos is to know Christ through teachings and prayer, to grow together in friendship and community, and to challenge our students to go confidently as disciples into the world. This happens by hearing talks given by other students and clergy, interacting with other students from different churches around the diocese, and sending them back to their schools and churches with different perspectives of their faith. Weekends like these are so important because it takes them out of their regular day-to-day lives and puts them in a place that is overflowing with the presence of the Holy Spirit!

Join us for this super fast pace and dense weekend and learn to grow in your faith with the rest of our diocese!


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Women's Retreat
to Feb 8

Women's Retreat

  • St. Peter's Cathedral (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

St. Peter's Annual Women's Retreat is an opportunity for fellowship with other Christian women and to build a deeper understanding of God's Word. Join us as our guest speaker Wendy Blight, of Proverbs 31 Ministries, explores the Bible’s Women of Valor - four women that teach us key principles about how to live a Christian life as a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, and believer. The retreat offers opportunities to learn in large group sessions and reflect in smaller group sessions. 

The retreat will begin Friday evening with check-in and heavy hors d'oeuvres from 6-6:45pm, followed by Session 1 with Wendy Blight from 7-8pm. Saturday, which will be from 8am - 1:30pm, will include a hot breakfast, snacks, lunch, worship, two small group sessions and two sessions with Wendy.

Childcare will be provided!

If you are in need of financial assistance, please contact Tina Campbell for a scholarship code.

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Key Word Wednesday Night Worship - Susan Burton & Cheryl Cerreta
to Jan 27

Key Word Wednesday Night Worship - Susan Burton & Cheryl Cerreta

  • St. Peter's Cathedral (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This class will allow for youth to have a voice in their learning and select from key words from the bible, research and discuss them. There are so many scriptures that correlate, overlay and relate to each other, why read just one! This class will challenge youth to use their bibles, research the various scriptures, highlight and mark key words within the bible.  Additionally, we know many have been sitting in school all day and we will incorporate a key upbeat worship song selected by the youth that attend the class. This will allow them to stand up, dance it out and just be present in the music before we start diving into scripture.

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The Life of Martyrs - John Driscoll & Kendra Miriam Calhoun
to Jan 27

The Life of Martyrs - John Driscoll & Kendra Miriam Calhoun

  • St. Peter's Cathedral (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Youth Group - Join us as we take a deeper look into the importance of martyrdom in the world of Christianity today. We will watch a video series called Torchlighters and investigate the lives of different martyrs in the Christian church and their stories of how they truly lived a Christ centered life in order to save others both spiritually and physically. We then will discuss what we watched and do some research to really dive deep into the sacrifices that they made so that we could know the real truth!

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Youth Sunday School
to Jan 27

Youth Sunday School

  • St. Peter's Cathedral (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join youth leaders John Driscoll and Susan Burton to explore the different "key words" in the bible. We want to take reading scripture and do it in a way that takes our understanding of what we read and look at it with new eyes! This will be a more condensed version of our Wednesday Night class that Susan and Cheryl will be leading.

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Chorister Camp
to Jul 19

Chorister Camp

  • St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Camp is open to all new and returning choristers actively participating in the 2024 fall chorister season.  

We are kicking off our fall season this year with a Chorister Camp. This is not just for elementary age, but for every chorister entering K–12th grade to get a head start on the year - you can call it our preseason training. It will be a mix of all sorts of different musical activities, all supporting the health and growth of our group.

If you have been a part of one of our ensembles in the past, we need you and your skills back, especially now. If you haven't done this before, give it a try. We will train you and you will love it! It all starts July 15-19, 9am-12:30pm so mark your calendars. And Youth - don't wait! Request time off from work now!

You need to sing!  

Do you realize that the Lord commands us to sing? (Psalm 30, Colossians 3, among many references) Singing is not optional for believers. Our Lord expects us to sing and even with skill as much as our gifts allow (Psalm 33).

We need warrior singers!  

The theme of warfare and singing in scripture is a visible theme from King Jehosophat putting his singer soldiers at the front of the battle lines (2 Chronicles 20), to the Apostle Paul talking about fighting evil with songs from the Spirit (Ephesians 5). A singing heart is a heart at war with the work of the evil one and the power of sin.  

You need to sing in the Chorister or Youth Ensemble!!  

There aren’t many places where you are trained to sing with skill but also with fellow believers in a Christian environment. (Ephesians 5:19).

We need you to sing at St. Peter’s!

The cathedral hosts three services on a normal Sunday, including evensong, which is made up of a lot of music.  We need singers to do the work that the Lord has commanded us to do.

Contact for more information. 

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Family Bible School
to Jun 6

Family Bible School

  • St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Family Bible School

June 4-6, 5:00–8:00pm


Why “Family Style”? Discipleship is not an individual event; God created us to journey and support each other in this life together. Family Style means families come to worship, pray, play, and fellowship together as a family and with other families. Our prayer is that this will be an opportunity to help families grow together in their faith and reconnect to God’s kingdom and each other. Our hope is that our families will leave empowered to continue growing their faith together at home.

What is Family Bible School?  Very similar to a regular VBS! There will be singing and dancing, interactive Bible stories, crafts, water games, and more! Children will start with their parents at their picnic blanket on the lawn, but they won’t be sitting for long! Families will be grouped in tribes and will visit stations together. Stations will be inside and outside the church. Kids will still have opportunities to have fun with old friends and make new ones. Parents will have a chance to connect with their peers, too!

What is expected of parents, grandparents, and guardians?  Have fun with your kids! You will help shepherd them to the different stations and help them participate in the activities and program. This is a great opportunity to share your faith and make memories with your children. This is not a drop-off event. Parents are participating for the entire time. We need at least one parent (grandparent or guardian) per family to stay. You are welcome to bring friends! You will be responsible for the children you bring. You will not be alone! There will be volunteers assigned to help and support families as they navigate the different activities and program.

What about my baby or toddlers?  Bring them! Nursery is open for the littlest ones, or they are welcome to stay with your family too!

What about my teens? Teens may participate with your family, or serve in one of the many volunteer positions needed to make FBS a great success!

If I volunteer, can I have dinner?  Yes! Dinner reservations are a part of the volunteer sign up. We want volunteers to come fellowship with dinner and worship with the families!

We prefer to have dinner at home.  No problem! If you would prefer not to partake of the parish dinners, you may certainly eat ahead of time and join us at 5:30 FBS programming, or pack your own picnic and eat with the other families at 5:00pm.

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Family Ministries Last Supper and Foot Washing
5:30 PM17:30

Family Ministries Last Supper and Foot Washing

Families will partake in a Passover meal before the 7pm service. This is not a Jewish Seder meal, but a meal recreating some ambiance of what it was like at the Last Supper with Christ. We will start with feet washing and there will be scripture readings and thought provoking discussions connecting what was the first Passover to how Christ is now our forever Passover meal. Families need to sign up  to contribute to the meal. Open to all ages and stages (babies, kids, youth, grandparents).

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Bunk Bed Build with Sleep In Heavenly Peace
7:30 AM07:30

Bunk Bed Build with Sleep In Heavenly Peace

Join us right here in the parking lot at St. Peter's as we partner with Sleep in Heavenly Peace to build 40 bunk beds for local children in need. Sleep in Heavenly Peace believes that a bed is a basic need for the proper physical, emotional, and mental support that a child needs and that all children deserve a safe, comfortable place to lay their heads. Join in this special time of creating beds for deserving children, as well as the opportunity to help deliver and set up. What an amazing opportunity to share God's love! For questions, or more information, please contact Under-Resourced Core Captain, Freddy Branham.

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Darkroom | High School Study
to Nov 15

Darkroom | High School Study

  • St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Led by: Fr. David Marten and Cheryl Cerreta

This 14-week series focuses on the issues our students face everyday. How to talk with our nonvert and atheist friends. How to handle questions of faith and doubt. How does God handle injustice and brokenness in the world. Get a glimpse for yourself at We’ll be getting into some tough discussions that will challenge your faith.

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Middle School Group
to Nov 15

Middle School Group

  • St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Led by: Jennifer Nicholson and Kendra Miriam Calhoun

How will you spend your middle school years - as a casual fan of Jesus, or a committed follower? What does it really mean for your life to follow Jesus? We will explore the teen edition of Kyle Idleman’s Not A Fan study through readings, Bible study, and videos.

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Children and Youth Sunday School
to Nov 19

Children and Youth Sunday School

  • St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Class Title: Children’s Sunday School
Sundays, 10:30-11:00am | September 10—November 19

We are continuing our journey through the Bible using the Gospel Project from Lifeway. We will be concluding our first 3-year reading of the Bible!

10:30-11am | Teachers will be ready to receive students at 10:25am

*Age range classes & locations are:
PreSchool (Toddler Nursery)
Kindergarten (Children’s Chapel)
1st & 2nd (Room 201)
3rd & 4th (Room 102B)
5th & 6th (Room 102A)
7th & 8th (Room 101B)
High School (Fr. David Marten’s Office)

1st & 2nd Grade Sunday School | Children’s Catechumenate

The One Faith One Family Sunday School class is an opportunity for Children to learn about Anglican traditions and what it means to be a part of the church family. This wonderful program culminates with a Festal Eucharist (First Communion for some) at the end of the Spring Semester. Recommended to be a two-year program for 1st & 2nd graders but open to older children who are new to the Anglican faith.

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Connections Sunday 2023
10:25 AM10:25

Connections Sunday 2023

  • St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for Connections Sunday! Come out to the transepts after each morning service to discover new ways to get connected in the different ministry opportunities St. Peter's has to offer.

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Chorister Camp
to Jul 28

Chorister Camp

  • St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Open to all upcoming and returning St. Peter’s Choristers.

We are kicking off our fall season this year with a Chorister Camp. This is not just for elementary age, but for every chorister entering K–12th grade to get a head start on the year - you can call it our preseason training. It will be a mix of all sorts of different musical activities, all supporting the health and growth of our group.

If you have been a part of one of our ensembles in the past, we need you and your skills back, especially now. If you haven't done this before, give it a try. We will train you and you will love it! It all starts July 24-28, 9am-12:30pm so mark your calendars. And Youth - don't wait! Request time off from work now!

Contact for more information. 

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Family Bible School
to Jun 8

Family Bible School

  • St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Family Bible School - "In the Wilderness: God is with Us"

June 6-8, 5:00–8:00pm

This year Bible School is “Family Style”! We are inviting the whole family to come and participate, learn, and grow in their faith together. Enjoy a boxed picnic each night on the lawn.  After dinner, families and volunteers will join together in worship with live music. Families will be grouped together into tribes to play games, make art, and learn about God’s word together. Have more questions?  Please see our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) below.

Important Times
Family dinner begins at 5:00–5:30pm each evening.
Bible School begins on the lawn at 5:30 and ends at 8:00pm.

Family Bible School Fee: $10 per child

Boxed Picnic Dinners
Registration is required.  You may choose not to participate in dinner on a given night, please bring your own picnic. If you have any questions, contact Amy Stewart.


Why “Family Style”? This past year has been very challenging and proved to us that God created us to journey and support each other in this life together. Our prayer is that this will be an opportunity to help families grow together in their faith and reconnect to God’s kingdom. Our hope is that our families will leave empowered to continue growing their faith together at home.

What is Family Bible School?  Very similar to a regular VBS! There will be singing and dancing, interactive Bible stories, crafts, water games, and more! Children will start with their parents at their picnic blanket on the lawn, but they won’t be sitting for long! Families will be grouped in tribes and will visit stations together. Stations will be inside and outside the church. Kids will still have opportunities to have fun with old friends and make new ones. Parents will have a chance to connect with their peers, too!

What is expected of parents, grandparents, and guardians?  Have fun with your kids! You will help shepherd them to the different stations and help them participate in the activities and program. This is a great opportunity to share your faith and make memories with your children. This is not a drop-off event. Parents are participating for the entire time. We need at least one parent (grandparent or guardian) per family to stay. You are welcome to bring friends! You will be responsible for the children you bring. You will not be alone! There will be volunteers assigned to help and support families as they navigate the different activities and program.

What about my baby or toddlers?  Bring them! Nursery is open for the littlest ones, or they are welcome to stay with your family too!

What about my teens? Teens may participate with your family, or serve in one of the many volunteer positions needed to make FBS a great success!

If I volunteer, can I have dinner?  Yes! Dinner reservations are a part of the volunteer sign up. We want volunteers to come fellowship with dinner and worship with the families!

We prefer to have dinner at home.  No problem! If you would prefer not to partake of the parish dinners, you may certainly eat ahead of time and join us at 5:30 FBS programming, or pack your own picnic and eat with the other families at 5:00pm.

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Guys' Campout
to Apr 15

Guys' Campout

  • St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Bring your father, bring your son, bring your grandpa or uncle, bring yourself because you are a guy! Please join us for our second annual Father & Son Campout. We will gather on the lawn of the Youth House to cookout, make s’mores, and play games.

We'll wrap things up by attending the Men's Breakfast in the Parish Hall on Saturday morning!

Contact Chuck Lang at for more information.

RSVP to let us know you are coming and if you will need food!

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St. Peter's Anniversary Celebration and Cookout
10:00 AM10:00

St. Peter's Anniversary Celebration and Cookout

Join us for ONE SERVICE at 10AM, followed by a (quick!) tour of the Cathedral spaces ending on the North Lawn for burgers, hot dogs, drinks, games, and fellowship!

What are we exploring?

Get to know Cathedral Staff and where they work, along with ALL that really happens in each space. It’s probably more than you think!

What are we celebrating?

St. Peter’s is 17! But more importantly, God has done incredible things through the ministry of St. Peter’s over the last seventeen years. Yes, there have been challenging moments, but God has been gracious to us and continued to impact each of us and those around us!

What are we looking forward to?

The future (obviously)! We have big ideas for how God might continue to use St. Peter’s to expand the Kingdom of Heaven and impact our community and world with the transforming love of Jesus Christ!

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Camp Araminta 2022
to Jul 23

Camp Araminta 2022

Camp Araminta

Rising 4th-12th Grade Students

Camp Araminta July 18-23, 2022

Camp Araminta is one very active week with ongoing, exciting programs and activities that keep our kids busy from the crack of dawn until the evening. Camp is open to all rising 4th-12th grade students. We are building Christian Community through fellowship, living the Christian ideal from day to day, and learning to hold each other accountable. We also encourage discipleship by teaching youth how to filter the culture around us and discern what we listen to, say, and do (in music, media, and games). We are a ministry dedicated to supporting our youth as well as our fellow Anglicans.

Isaiah 40:31 reminds us, “but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Like birds learning to fly, our faith begins with a leap; we take that step and can feel God’s comfort surround us like the very air we breathe. The name Araminta was chosen because it means lofty in Hebrew. As Christians, not only do we keep our minds focused on things above (Col 3:2), but we strive to pass on the faith to others in a way that they, too, will take that leap and learn to fly into God’s comfort. Araminta from its English roots means prayer or protection, and our prayer is that Camp Araminta is a place “where faith takes flight” for everyone who comes here.

Our Mission
To support the children and youth ministries of the congregations of the Gulf Atlantic Diocese by offering a short-term intense experience of Christian community and discipleship.

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